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A highly optimized implementation of the FastSLAM algorithm using AVX (assembly) instructions, data restructuring and extensive benchmarking.

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Fast Slam on steroids.


Please refer to the full report for a detailed description and evaluation of the method.

We propose an optimized implementation of FastSLAM with known data association for a single core. A benchmark driven optimization approach is presented, with detailed studies on function performance and input scaling. We introduce a new memory layout for the particles and a memory-efficient resampling method. Densely vectorized AVX2-implementations of the prediction and observation step, based on 2D linear algebra kernels, trigonometric function approximations and pseudo-random number generation, are presented. We discuss the efficiency of our proposed optimizations in terms of performance and operational intensity. To validate our method, we test our proposed method on the Victoria Park Dataset.

Performance increase: ~60x over C++ implementation using Eigen Example evaluation on test dataset
Speedup Test run


Montemerlo, M., Thrun, S., Koller, D., & Wegbreit, B. (2002). FastSLAM: A factored solution to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem. Aaai/iaai, 593598. paper link

Thrun, S., Montemerlo, M., Koller, D., Wegbreit, B., Nieto, J., & Nebot, E. (2004). Fastslam: An efficient solution to the simultaneous localization and mapping problem with unknown data association. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4(3), 380-407. paper link

Directory layout

Please consider this documented directory layout. The structure is mostly preserved from the yglee repository. Note that the test directory has slightly changed. More on tests below.

├── build/                          <-- run `cmake ..`, `make` and `ctest` here
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── microbenchmarks
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt              <-- benchmark files ending in `_bench.cpp` get registered automatically
│   └── example_bench.cpp           <-- use boost::ut and nanobench for (micro-)benchmarking
├── core
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt              <-- add your source files here (no need to add headers)
│   ├── example.cpp
│   ├── example.hpp
│   └── tests
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
│       └── example_test.cpp        <-- testfiles ending in `_test.cpp` get registered automatically
├── external
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── ut
│   │   └── ut.hpp
│   └── nanobench
│       ├── nanobench.h
│       └── nanobench.cpp
└── fastslam1
    ├── CMakeLists.txt              <-- add your source files here (no need for headers)
    ├── fastslam1.hpp               <-- header and source files with \
    ├── fastslam1.cpp               <-- the same name
    ├── main.cpp                    <-- main executable
    └── tests
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        └── fastslam1_test.cpp      <-- testfiles ending in `_test.cpp`

On testing

I have decided to use Kris Jusiak's lightweight testing framework boost::ut (Note that it is only a single header file and not part of the official boost library). The library allows for a wide range of testing setups, including Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) (see below for example) alongside "regular" tests. I stronly encourage everyone to at least skim the excelent github page linked above.

The idea is that for every function/file feature.hpp we create a feature_test.cpp with a main and corresponding (Unit) Tests. In there, we can use boost::ut's testing functionality, as for example seen below in example_test.cpp. Note that it is not neccessary to use the BDD naming (given, when, then) but it makes for nicely structured tests.

#include "example.hpp"  // import file to test

#include <vector>  // used for test input
#include "ut.hpp"  // import functionality and namespaces from single header file
using namespace boost::ut;  // provides `expect`, `""_test`, etc
using namespace boost::ut::bdd;  // provides `given`, `when`, `then`

int main() {
  "example test"_test = [] {
    expect(true) << "with more information!";

  "vector add"_test = [] {
    given("I have two arrays") = [] {
      const size_t N = 5;
      double lhs[N] = {1,2,3,4,5};
      double rhs[N] = {1,2,3,4,5};

      when("I add them") = [&] {
        double res[N];
        add_two_arrays(&lhs[0], &rhs[0], &res[0], N);

        then("I get the elementwise sum") = [=] {
          "elementwise equal"_test = [res](size_t i) {
            expect(res[i-1] == 2*i);
          } | std::vector{1,2,3,4,5};

Note also that following the notion of Test-Driven Development and Extreme Programming we might even follow the notion of defining the tests for a feature even before implementing the feature itself. This way, the requirements are quite clear and can be well tested while developing/chaning other code.

On coverage

We use the tool gcov (distributed with any installation of gcc) to provide information on test/code coverage. We additionally use the python library gcovr to produce nicely formatted coverage output, similar to that of python test coverage tools (e.g. the nosetests library).

How to generate test coverage

First, you need to install the gcovr python library, i.e. pip install gcovr. Afterwards you should have the gcovr binary in your path (check for example with which gcovr). Then you need to set the CMake flag TEST_COVERAGE=On, build, and execute the cmake target coverage. This not only prints to stdout but also produces nicely formatted output located at <build_dir>/coverage/coverage.html.

pip install gcovr  # if you haven't already

cd src; mkdir build; cd build
cmake .. -DTEST_COVERAGE=On  # Note this sets the build type to `Debug`

make  # compile the code
make test  # run the tests at least once (will generate gcov files during run)
make coverage  # use gcovr to parse and print coverage info

firefox ./coverage/coverage.html  # show detailed information
Example coverage output
                           GCC Code Coverage Report
Directory: /home/romeo/Documents/ETH/Advanced_Systems_Lab/FasterSlam/src
File                                       Lines    Exec  Cover   Missing
core/KF_cholesky_update.cpp                   19      19   100%   
core/compute_steering.cpp                     22      20    90%   36-37
core/example.cpp                               4       4   100%   
core/linalg.cpp                               61      54    88%   11-16,19
core/multivariate_gauss.cpp                    6       6   100%   
core/pi_to_pi.cpp                             13      12    92%   34
core/predict_true.cpp                          5       5   100%   
core/stratified_random.cpp                     8       8   100%   
core/stratified_resample.cpp                  25      25   100%   
fastslam1/fastslam1.cpp                        2       0     0%   1-2
TOTAL                                        165     153    92%
lines: 92.7% (153 out of 165)
branches: 64.4% (94 out of 146)

Coverage html output

On memory leak checking

CTest easily allows us to check our tests for memory leaks. Make sure you have valgrind installed (e.g. check > which valgrind) and then run

cd src; mkdir build; cd build
ctest . -T memcheck

Note that at the moment core_example_test produces a memory leak on purpose.

On microbenchmarking

We use the library nanobench to conduct basic microbenchmarks, located under src/microbenchmarks. In order to run the benchmarks, simply compile in Release mode and run the target benchmarks:

cd src/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make benchmarks

Writing microbenchmarks

Similar to the tests, it is sufficient to place a file ending in *_bench.cpp in the src/microbenchmarks directory. It will get registered, compiled and added to the benchmarks target automatically. The benchmark itself is best wrapped in a boost::ut test. See existing benchmarks for examples.

Example benchmark output

Rendered with markdown

ns/op op/s err% ins/op cyc/op IPC bra/op miss% total benchmark
16.53 60,497,583.68 9.1% 60.54 44.88 1.349 9.16 3.4% 0.00 pi_to_pi
26.42 37,856,605.04 12.3% 117.18 71.55 1.638 25.82 3.8% 0.00 pi_to_pi_fmod

Raw output

|               ns/op |                op/s |    err% |          ins/op |          cyc/op |    IPC |         bra/op |   miss% |     total | benchmark
|               16.53 |       60,497,583.68 |    9.1% |           60.54 |           44.88 |  1.349 |           9.16 |    3.4% |      0.00 | `pi_to_pi`
|               26.42 |       37,856,605.04 |   12.3% |          117.18 |           71.55 |  1.638 |          25.82 |    3.8% |      0.00 | `pi_to_pi_fmod`
All tests passed (1000 asserts in 3 tests)

Godbolt links

Contiguous memory for VLAs


A highly optimized implementation of the FastSLAM algorithm using AVX (assembly) instructions, data restructuring and extensive benchmarking.






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Contributors 4
