- Production: https://easyease.netlify.app/
- Production: https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz
- React + Vite
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Meditation Sessions: Users can access guided meditation sessions.
- Big Red Button: Provides users with a relevant audio guide that will ease their discomfort, ranging from guided meditation and visualization practices
- User Authentication: Secure user accounts with authentication.
- Prabesh Sharma and Vasu Bhatnagar: Frontend development
- Roman Zinkevich: Backend development
- Zhiyuan Liu: Code Reviewer
- Endpoint:
- Description: Explore a tapestry of "Sections," each weaving its unique story.
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/sections
- Parameters:
(optional): Sort the sections based on a specific attribute (e.g.,content_name
). Equals to 'section_id' by default.order
(optional): Specify the sorting order as eitherasc
(ascending) ordesc
(descending). Equals to 'asc' by default.
- Example with Sorting:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/sections?sort=content_name&order=desc
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Uncover the depth of wisdom within one "section's" treasures.
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/sections/1
- Parameters:
(optional): Sort the contents based on a specific attribute (e.g.,content_name
). Equals to 'content_id' by default.order
(optional): Specify the sorting order as eitherasc
(ascending) ordesc
(descending). Equals to 'asc' by default.
- Example with Sorting:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/sections/1?sort=content_name&order=desc
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Embark on a mindful journey with one "content" retrieved by id from the database.
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/contents/1
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Dive deep into a section’s essence by revealing the wisdom tied to its unique "Tags".
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/contents/tags/1
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Uncover the endless possibilities of "Tags", each holding a unique narrative waiting to be discovered.
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/tags
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Traverse through content bound by a specific "Tag", revealing stories interconnected by theme.
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/tags/contents/1
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Begin your meditation quest with a new user account.
- Example:
POST https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users
- Request Body:
{ "name": "NewUser", "password": "SecurePa$$word123", "email": "[email protected]" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Open the door to serenity by logging in if you've wandered here before.
- Example:
POST https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/login
- Request Body:
{ "name": "ExistingUser", "password": "TheirSecretPa$$w0rd", "email": "[email protected]" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Glide effortlessly into the serene space using your Google account, bypassing the need to remember passwords.
- Example:
POST https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/google_auth
- Request Body:
{ "access_token":"TOKENTOKENTOKENTOKEN", "email":"[email protected]" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Peek into the mirror of self-awareness with information about the logged-in user.
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Sculpt your profile with the gentle touch of personalized changes.
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
PUT https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users
- Request Body:
{ "email": "[email protected]", "name": "John Doe" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Renew your spiritual essence by changing your password.
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
PUT https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/password
- Request Body:
{ "password": "NewSecurePa$$w0rd" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Bid farewell to your account, gracefully leaving the tranquil space.
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
DELETE https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Reflect on the personal mosaic of "Tags" that shape a user's journey.
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/tags
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Let users enrich their experience by weaving together their personal tapestry of "Tags".
- Authorization: Bearer Token Required
- Example:
POST https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/tags
- Request Body:
{ "tag_ids": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Craft and mold the essence of "content" data with divine precision.
- Authorization: Bearer Admin Token Required
- Example:
PUT https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/contents/admin/1
- Request Body:
{ "content_name": "Content Number 5", "description": "Enhanced and refined for supreme tranquility" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Infuse the spiritual realm with new "content" as an admin.
- Authorization: Bearer Admin Token Required
- Example:
POST https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/contents/admin
- Request Body:
{ "content_name": "NewContent", "description": "NewDescription", "audio": "NewAudio", "image": "NewImage", "author": "NewAuthor", "section_name": "Section 1" }
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Ascend to the heights of awareness with insights into all users in the database.
- Authorization: Bearer Admin Token Required
- Example:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/admin
- Parameters:
(optional): Sort the users based on a specific attribute (e.g.,user_id
). Equals to 'user_id' by default.order
(optional): Specify the sorting order as eitherasc
(ascending) ordesc
(descending). Equals to 'asc' by default.
- Example with Sorting:
GET https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/admin?sort=content_name&order=desc
- Endpoint:
- Endpoint:
- Description: Bestow roles with the wisdom of the ancients upon the chosen user.
- Authorization: Bearer Admin Token Required
- Example:
PUT https://eazyeaze.190304.xyz/api/users/admin/1
- Request Body:
{ "role": "1" }
- Endpoint: