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permalink official enterprise

Message Auditing

Rocket.Chat allows authorized users to audit messages and read conversations in a workspace. The user must have an auditor role and Can Audit permission to access the auditing panel. As an organization, you may want to inspect the omnichannel conversations and watch out for agents that use improper language with customers. An auditor can do the following:

  • Review messages in private rooms.
  • Review messages by users.
  • Review direct messages between users.
  • Review omnichannel messages.
  • Check the audit history of individuals using the Message Auditing Panel.

To access the Message Auditing Panel,

  • Navigate to Administration > Audit > Messages,

{% hint style="info" %} If you cant find the audit options, don't hesitate to get in touch with your workspace administrator to assign message auditing permmisions to you.

See Messaging Auditing Log to learn more about the auditing log history. {% endhint %}

Search and Review Messages

You can sort messages with various filters in your workspace.

By Channel/Room

To search for a specific message in a room,

  • Update the Message field with the key phrase of the message you are searching .lf you wish to pull all messages, leave the Message field empty.
  • Select the start and end date to limit the search results to a specific time frame. The three-dots icon also provides other time options like Today, Last Week, etc.
  • Select the room you want to search in from the Channel dropdown**.**
  • Click Apply to reveal the messages gotten between the periods.

By Users

To search for a specific message by users,

  • Update the Message field with the key phrase of the message you are searching .lf you wish to pull all messages, leave the Message field empty.
  • Select the start and end date to limit the search results to a specific time frame. The three-dots icon also provides other time options like Today, Last Week, etc.
  • Type the username and select the user(s) for which you want to search messages in the Users field.
  • Click Apply. The selected users' conversations between those periods that match the search phrase are displayed.

By Direct Messages

To search for a specific message by a direct message(DM),

  • Update the Message field with the key phrase of the message you are searching .lf you wish to pull all messages, leave the Message field empty.
  • Select the start and end date to limit the search results to a specific time frame. The three-dots icon also provides other time options like Today, Last Week, etc.
  • Select at least two users whose direct messages you want to check in the Users field.
  • Click Apply. The conversations between the users selected in that time frame that matches the search phrase are displayed.

By Omnichannel

To search for a specific Omnichannel conversation:

  • Update the Message field with the key phrase of the message you are searching .lf you wish to pull all messages, leave the Message field empty.
  • Select the start and end date to limit the search results to a specific time frame. The three-dots icon also provides other time options like Today, Last Week, etc.
  • Enter the visitor's number in the Visitor field.
  • Enter the agent's name who served the conversation you want in the Agent field.
  • Click Apply.