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Releases: RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Android
Releases · RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.Android
Version: 3.5.1 (2077)
📄 Release notes
This release includes all the improvements and bug fixes 3.5.1 (2075) has plus a smaller version of our application.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [CHORE] Release app version 2077 (3.5.1) #2460
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
Version: 3.5.1 (2075)
📄 Release notes
In this version we have fixed some bugs that was making the app unusable as well as we have done some improvements. You can now start a chat when searching for an user or a channel and scroll to see the full name of a channel when it is long and doesn't fit on your mobile device screen.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [FIX] Unable to start a chat. (#2459)
- [FIX] Null Pointer Exception (#2457) and (#2456)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Added save-discard dialog when editing user profile in ProfileFragment (#2073)
- [BUG] Fix sending blank messages in reply and quote message. (#2072)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading bar in Settings (#2429)
- [CHORE] Save token details (#2453)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Add scroll to long text (#2441)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
Version: 3.5.0
📄 Release notes
This release brings some exciting features like the ability to add or remove users on a room (remembering that you have the ability to create and add members to a room at the same time too), the support to dynamic links and some important bug fixes and performance improvements (the app should load its data faster than before).
✅ Pull requests merged
- [FIX] Rooms not showing real time messages. (#2415)
- [FIX] Update jitsi library version. (#2413)
- [FIX] Message not being sent for new chats. (#2412)
- [FIX] Null pointer exception. (#2404)
- [FIX] Illegal state exception issue. (#2403)
- [FIX] Unable to delete own account (#2399)
- [FIX] Fixes app exceptions (#2397)
- [FIX][IMPROVEMENT] Fixes connectivity issues and improves the app speed up at the start (#2396)
- [I18n] Add missing translation in german strings.xml (#2392)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Code improvement for #2320 PR (#2390)
- [NEW] Add support for hardcoded server URL (#2384)
- [FIX] WebView not loading Privacy Policy and Terms of Service (#2378)
- [I18N] Minor grammar improvements in german language file (#2366)
- [NEW] Manage Users in a Room(Add/Remove) (#2351)
- [NEW] Implemented Webviews for Richmessages (#2327)
- [FIX] Message search results (@mentions) do not have any date indication in the results (#2320)
- [NEW] Send dynamicLinks with invites; Support the handling of dynamicLinks in the app. (#2196)
- [NEW] Add Option to view user profile avatar in fullscreen (#2087)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
Version: 3.4.2
📄 Release notes
In this version we have fixed some annoying bugs that unfortunately were making the app unusable for some users. Here is the list:
- The blank chat list is now fixed for all our users;
- The freezing when opening some chat rooms is gone;
- We have detected some memory leaks on the app and fixed them;
- French translations were improved.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [RELEASE] 3.4.2 (#2352)
- [FIX] Messages rendering out of order bug (#2337)
- [FIX] Fixes bottom sheets not being scrollable and completely visible (#2328)
- [I18N] Update french translations (#2343)
- [FIX] Channel Freeze Issue (#2353)
- [i18n] Fix wrong String (#2335)
- [FIX] SAML: Save username on login (#2345)
- [FIX] Fixes issues and memory leaks after changing language (#2334)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
Version: 3.4.1
📄 Release notes
We have fixed an annoying bug that makes the chat list not appearing for some servers.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [RELEASE] 3.4.1 (#2321)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
- @filipedelimabrito
Version: 3.4.0
📄 Release notes
- You can now see all the channels, users and federated users from our directory feature;
- You can now sort chats by unread on top;
- You can now specify the app language without changing the Android general system language (it means you can choose from 16 different languages translations with easy);
- Typing +:emoji_name: reacts to the last message (note the + sign before the name of the emoji);
- It is now more easy to reply a message: Just swipe it from the right to the left;
- Channel messages are now loading faster than before (and we expect to continue improving it further);
- Our application totally supports to RTL languages now (Arabic, Persian and others);
- A brand new user interface and improved animations for some screens/views;
- The drawing tools view is hidden when you are drawing and it is shown again when you are not drawing;
- General bug fixes and improvements.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [i18n] Update Strings.xml (#2314)
- [FIX] Add a reaction not working/Chat list not showing/Chat list not updating/ (#2309)
- [FIX][IMPROVEMENT][I18N] Adds support for RTL ViewPager for RTL languages (#2304)
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml (#2303)
- [FIX] Typo fixed in MainActivity.kt (#2300)
- [FIX][IMPROVEMENT] Fixes layout issues (#2296)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Sorting on directory is applied immediately when checked. (#2293)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Immediate message loading (#2287)
- [FIX] Fixes compound drawables being set to the incorrect direction in RTL languages (#2286)
- [I18N] Translated Arabic strings, added missing strings (#2284)
- [FIX] Fixes unable to see other User profile details (#2273)
- [NEW] Typing +:emoji_name: reacts to last message (#2271)
- [IMPROVEMENT][FIX] Show discussion name / Show server name / Fix avatar not being displayed (#2270)
- [FIX] Fixes Take Photo from crashing in ProfileFragment (#2269)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Let language setter show the selected locale (#2268)
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml (#2265)
- [NEW] Sort chats by unread on top (#2263)
- [NEW] Change app language (#2262)
- [FIX] Typo in JitsiHelper.kt (#2261)
- [FIX] Sorting issue in ChatRoomDao.kt (#2260)
- [i18n] Update german strings. (#2247)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Changes status title (#2244)
- [TYPO] fix typo in infrastructure packages (#2243)
- [FIX] Removes @ from mentions (#2241)
- [BUG] ScrollView was not scrolling to bottom of screen. (#2239)
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml (#2237)
- [FIX] Listen to favorite changes (#2236)
- [NEW] Directory (#2233)
- [FIX] Fixed profile avatar not updating when changed (#2231)
- [CHORE] Update Jitsi library version (#2226)
- [FIX] Typo in VersionCheckView.kt (#2219)
- [FIX] Typo in ResetPasswordView.kt (#2218)
- [FIX] Typo in RocketChatApplication.kt (#2216)
- [FIX] Typo in Analytics.kt (#2215)
- [FIX] Typos and Translation Mistakes (#2214)
- [NEW] Swipe to reply message (#2212)
- [FIX] Typo in DrawableHelper.kt (#2208)
- [FIX] Typo in analytics message (#2201)
- [BUG] Solves the favorite icon not being shown. (#2200)
- [BUG] Check and Request camera permission before taking photos. (#2198)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adds animation when expanding/collapsing the login options (#2191)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Support RTL layout on editing message action bar (#2188)
- [LAYOUT][IMPROVEMENT][REFACTOR] Changes main UI (#2187)
- [i18n] Update DE Language (#2181)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Hide the drawing toolbar while drawing (#2084)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Listen to changes on user avatar. (#2082)
- [IMPROVEMENT][LAYOUT] Profile Layout according to a web interface (#2080)
- [FIX][LAYOUT] Margin on bottom of profile fragment (#2071)
- [BUG] Fixes Drawing cleared on orientation change issue (#2032)
- [BUG] Fixes custom emoji alias rendering issue (#2017)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
- @Adizbek
- @albasheer
- @AnBo83
- @arthurbdiniz
- @Cool-fire
- @dev-ritik
- @divyanshub024
- @filipedelimabrito
- @HusseinElFeky
- @kareemhamdy100
- @nbamir
- @PigsOne
- @Pitstopper
- @RobotJINI
Version: 3.3.1
📄 Release notes
We have fixed an annoying bug that makes the chat list not showing for some servers.
✅ Pull requests merged
[HOTFIX] Chat list now showing (#2280)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
- @filipedelimabrito
Version: 3.3.0
📄 Release notes
- Supports receiving and making a video conference;
- Groups the chat list by favorites;
- Supports erasing an image while drawing it;
- Requests a confirmation before sending a photo from the camera;
- Avoids closing the app from some screens from the menu list (user is now redirected to the chat list screen);
- Improves the chat list user interface;
- Improves the chat room user interface;
- Improves the delete account user interface;
- Improves the about page user interfaces.
- Improves the app's button interface;
- Fixes the bug that sent multiples copies of the same message;
- Fixes the bug the makes the uses unable to clear the draft messages;
- Fixes the avatar cache bug;
- Fixes the null username being shown while sending messages without internet;
- Fixes some app bar title changing when rotating the screen;
- Fixes the messages not showing in RTL layouts;
- Fixes the crash when the channel details button is clicked while scrolling;
- Fixes the bug resets the user password when editing the user profile;
- Adds a default avatar image when the user removes its avatar;
- Shows only e-mail apps when contacting the Rocket.Chat support;
- Clears the notification view after opening the app;
- Changes the message actions menu order.
- Adds the Portuguese (Portugal), Persian, Arabic and Chinese translations;
- Improves the French, Russian and Hindi translations;
- Keeps the scroll position in a chat room after rotating screen;
- Updates the library versions and refactors the app module code.
✅ Pull requests merged
- [NEW] Video conference (#2139)
- [I18N] Adds Arabic translation #2173
- [IMPROVEMENT] Change message actions menu order #2162
- [IMPROVEMENT] Set searchView width to max in ChatRoomFragment #2134
- [IMPROVEMENT] Chat list UI improvements (#2110)
- [I18N] Add French and Some Hindi Translations (#2129)
- [FIX] About Screen in landscape view (#2069)
- [I18N] Portuguese (Portugal) (#2127)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Save the scroll Position of chatRoomsFragment (#2124)
- [REFACTOR] refactor app module (#2125)
- [REFACTOR] Handle nullable on arguments extra (#2093)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Changing search field width should be the max width (#2111)
- [NEW] Group chats by favorites (#1959)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Delete account dialog UI (#2097)
- [FIX] Saving unsend message (#2057)
- [NEW] Add erase feature in drawing (#1961)
- [FIX] Mistakes on the (#2053)
- [FIX] Fixes app crashes when channel Details button is clicked while scrolling (#2051)
- [FIX] Added default background image for avatar image view (#2075)
- [FIX] Chatroom showing empty messages in RTL layout (#2089)
- [FIX] About fragment app bar title is change from "About" to "Rocket.Chat" on rotate. (#2092)
- [FIX] App bar title changes when rotating the screen. (#2105)
- [FIX] Show only email apps for sending email (#2039)
- [FIX] Null username being shown while sending messages without internet (#2054)
- [FIX] Avatar cache bug (#2048)
- [I18n] Fix typo in Russian language file (#2020)
- [FIX] Edit your profile and your password is reset (#2035)
- [FIX] Fix new direct chat message bug (#2001)
- [FIX] Clear notifications after opening the app (#2095)
- [FIX] Disable send button while sending message (#2096)
- [I18N] Add Persian language (#1985)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Request confirmation before sending a photo from the camera (#1992)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Avoid closing the app from some screens (#1998)
- [I18N] Chinese translation(#1993)
- [BUG] Fix alert dialog Button (#1994)
- [i18N] Update RU strings.xml (#1954)
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
- @AnBo83
- @andy840119
- @anhanh11001
- @arthurbdiniz
- @AuraOfDivinity
- @bizzbyster
- @BodaSadalla98
- @dev-ritik
- @divyanshub024
- @eliezer-of
- @filipedelimabrito
- @frdmn
- @kareemhamdy100
- @karthyks
- @moksh-mahajan
- @shubhsherl
- @thelimitbreaker
- @TheMythPT
- @ubarsaiyan
- @Zeromax
Version: 3.2.0
📄 Release notes
- New user screen;
- New room screen;
- Added support for muted state in the room;
- Added the possibility to delete the account from the app;
- Updates on Japanese translation;
- Added support to Italian language;
- Now you can take a photo and send it directly;
- You don’t need to type “” domain anymore for cloud users;
- Notification & Deep Link support to the room;
- Internal fixes/improvements on the database management;
✅ Pull requests merged
- [FIX] Settings menu #1989
- [FIX] Typing status #1988
- [FIX] Mention autocomplete stops working #1984
- [FIX] User details #1974
- [CHORE] Update #1972
- [I18N] Update Brazilian language translations #1968
- [FIX] Emoji keyboard #1953
- [i18N] Update RU strings.xml #1949
- [IMPROVEMENT] Draft messages #1948
- [FIX] Increase db retries #1946
- [i18N] Update strings.xml #1941
- [I18N] Update Hindi strings.xml #1937
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml #1934
- [FIX] Improve autocomplete speed #1933
- [NEW] Renders all images formats on the chat room from an url link. #1931
- [FIX] roomid or username required bug #1930
- [I18N] Add proper translation to italian strings #1928
- [NEW] Adding GIF playback #1927
- [I18N] update (IT) and (hi) strings.xml #1924
- [Fix] Crash when creating channel #1922
- [FIX] Fix error message on rotating and change server #1919
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml v.2 #1916
- [FIX] RuntimeException bug. #1915
- [FIX] Some usability adjustments #1905
- [I18N] Update RU strings.xml #1902
- [NEW] Redesign chat list. #1890
- [FIX] Don't log to console on Production builds #1882
- [FIX] Layout fixes and Room refresh fix #1880
- [IMPROVEMENT] Take a photo icon. #1879
- [FIX] onbording being cut off on some resolutions. #1877
- [NEW] Report message #1873
- [NEW] User details screen #1872
- [NEW] Add licence and contact us. #1867
- [FIX] Do not clear the composer when enabling the send message button #1866
- [I18N] Add locale italian #1864
- [FIX] Username not being displayed. #1863
- [FIX] Emoji skin tone chooser dialog showing invalid characters #1861
- [NEW] Observe channel changes #1860
- [FEATURE] Notification deeplink to room #1859
- [FIX] Try to avoid locked database #1858
- [IMPROVEMENT] Avoid typing domain and TLD #1855
- [NEW] Chat Details #1854
- [NEW] Take a photo #1852
- [I18N] Update Japanese translation file #1848
- [NEW] Adds delete own account #1844
- [NEW] Add share app #1841
- [NEW] Add support for (un)muted states #1840
- [NEW] Rate app on playstore #1837
- [NEW] Adds analytics for reset password event. #1790
- [IMPROVEMENT] Show users summary when long-clicking reaction #1784
👩💻👨💻 Contributors
- @Pitstopper
- @TheMythPT
- @Tunous
- @yuu94
- @cmassi
- @dabbler011
- @dev-ritik
- @divyanshub024
- @filipedelimabrito
- @leonardoaramaki
- @luciofm
- @samrmur
- @wackieju