This repository holds source code for the GEANT4 training examples created by Physino. I'm learning "from scratch" to enhance my knowledge, having preiously relied on altering a (very conveniently) similar example for my PhD research. As time goes on I believe I will be using GEANT4 in a wider range of contexts. I also would like to learn C++ to a greater standard. I will be doing these learning exercises alongside the C++ textbook.
Mini GEANT4 Learning Example. The "smallest GEANT4 application in the world."
Example B1 is the most basic example shipped with GEANT4. I had previously just used it as a text case for whether or not my installation was working. This exercise deconstructs and rebuilds it to highlight what each of the most basic GEANT4 elements do.
Geant4, version 10.7 or greater, installed under Linux (for multithreading) Cmake 2.9 or greater C++ compiler such as g++/gcc 4.9 or greater (comes with Ubuntu)
- Minimum
- Batch
- Run
- Physics
- Detector
- Generator
- Visualisation
- Scorer
- Analysis