Learning the ODIN language with SDL3 and Box2d by building a 2d crawler game and sharing it with the community
SDL3 2D API, no shaders but with blending tricks
Graphics were created by: https://0x72.itch.io/ (0x72) - 16x16 DungeonTileset II
ODIN language reference : https://odin-lang.org/docs/overview/
ODIN examples : https://github.com/odin-lang/examples
Great ODIN book (payed) : https://odinbook.com/ (help this guy (@karl_zylinski) out by buying his book)
ODIN video's :
https://www.youtube.com/@GingerGames (ODIN & a lot more stuff here) -> gingerBill, the creator of ODIN
https://www.youtube.com/@mccGoNZooo (ODIN)
https://www.youtube.com/@DylanFalconer (ODIN)
SDL3, ODIN : https://www.youtube.com/@DylanFalconer
SDL3, ODIN : https://www.youtube.com/@DanKorostelev
Learning Box2D with Odin - Odin Game Development (gingerBill) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL3fGZgbatc