Documentation Admin UI
Documentation Omni Adapter
Documentation Flutter App
Use the docker-compose.yml file from this repository to configure and run the software stack.
- Linux server
- Docker and Docker Compose
- AMD64 or ARM64 CPU
Depending on the amount of users and locks interacting with the system, you should have enough ram and cpu power available. The following screenshot shows a test system with one lock and one admin user connected:
To run the software stack with docker, the only files needed are docker-compose.yml and nginx.conf. Configure the values to your needs. The setup should work out of the box, but here is a list of values that are important to be changed.
- APP_SECRET: Symfony documentation
- ADAPTER_USERNAME: Username which is used by the adapter with basic auth to send data to the backend
- ADAPTER_PASSWORDHASH: Generate a secure hash with this tool and your chosen adapter password
- CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN: The url where your ui is hosted, to allow all origins (dev purposes) put in "*"
- BACKEND_PASSWORD: The Password corresponding to the ADAPTER_PASSWORDHASH
docker compose up -d
docker compose down
docker compose logs -f
docker compose pull
Put container and ports behind their own subdomains.
The docker-compose.yml file already contains a pgadmin service definition. Pgadmin can be used to manage the database through the web browser.
The db needs to be added once, change user and password to your choice.
After adding the server, the data can be edited like this. Insert an entry to table user with roles column like following and a hash (
You need to access the database to create an administrator account. To access the db, use the down command and add a port forwarding like this to the db part in the docker-compose.yml file:
Now you can access the db directly or via ssh with your favorite database tool. Insert an entry to table user with roles column like following and a hash (
Lock configuration is done via an app called BleTool. First insert the sim card. You have to modify the server domain/ip (omni adapter host) and APN for the sim card network to work. A test case code is needed to add a test case You can request the app apk and a test case from omni support.
For better understanding, all api routes come with sample data. Values in [] are placeholder.
The adapter sends data to the backend via the adapter endpoint. Only values that changed are sent from the adapter to the backend. All values are optional.
curl -u [ADAPTER_BACKEND_USER]:[ADAPTER_BACKEND_PASSWORD] --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/adapter/[IMEI]/updatestatus' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"packetType": "S5Packet",
"voltage": 4.02,
"isLocked": false,
"csq": 27,
"satellites": 8,
"noGps": false,
"hdop": 1.5,
"altitude": 259.2,
"longitudeHemisphere": "N",
"latitudeHemisphere": "E",
"longitudeDegrees": 11.038,
"latitudeDegrees": 50.963,
"btMac": "D3:D3:62:AA:11:11",
"lockSwVersion": "124",
"lockHwRevision": "C9",
"lockSwDate": "2022-06-20",
"event": "recovery"
Status codes:
- 200: Data was successfully received
- 401: Probably username or password not correct
- 404: Probably lock with given IMEI does not exist in backend database
The backend uses jwt auth with refresh token in cookie.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/login_check' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"username": [USER_EMAIL],
"password": [USER_PASSWORD]
If successful, a jwt will be returned in the body and the refresh token will be contained in a cookie called refresh_token.
To check the validity of a jwt. Jwt validity period can be adjusted in the compose.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/jwt_check' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: jwt is valid
- 401: jwt is invalid
Because of security reasons, the jwt has a very limited validity time period. For that reason, a new jwt has to be requested with passing the previously received refresh_token cookie.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/token/refresh' \
--header 'Cookie: refresh_token=[REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE]'
If successful, a new jwt will be returned in the body.
The refresh_token cookie has to be sent along, so it can be invalidated and the user logged out. Remember to remove the jwt from the frontend application also.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/token/invalidate' \
--header 'Cookie: refresh_token=[REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE]'
If successful, http 200 will be returned.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/locks' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Array of locks
"locks": [
"id": 1,
"deviceId": "123456789",
"qrCodeContent": "123456",
"isLocked": true,
"lockTypeDescription": "omni",
"isConnectedToAdapter": true,
"lastEvent": null,
"lastEventUtcTimestamp": null,
"lastContactUtcTimestamp": 1693299451,
"batteryPercentage": 76,
"cellularSignalQualityPercentage": 51,
"noGps": false,
"lastPositionTimeUtcTimestamp": 1693228697,
"satellites": 8,
"hdop": 1,
"latitudeDegrees": 50.964,
"longitudeDegrees": 11.048,
"latitudeHemisphere": "N",
"longitudeHemisphere": "E"
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/locktypes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Array of lock types
"lockTypes": [
"id": 1,
"description": "omni",
"batteryVoltageMin": 3.4,
"batteryVoltageMax": 4.2,
"cellularSignalQualityMin": 2,
"cellularSignalQualityMax": 32
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/lock' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"deviceId": "123456789",
"qrCodeContent": "123456",
"lockTypeId": 1
Status codes:
- 200: Lock added successfully
- 409: Lock with lock id already exists
With a fresh setup and a clean database, you have to define the lock type. At the moment, only omni locks are supported, so the table will only have one lock type entry.
!Important: When adding a lock type "family" and the lock type you want to add is from brand omni lock or follows the protocol, be sure to use "omni" as description string because some lock specific functions as unlocking are specific to the lock type. The backend will check the lock type description and when it contains "omni" the omni specific functions are going to work.
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/locktype' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"description": "omni",
"batteryVoltageMin": 3.4,
"batteryVoltageMax": 4.2,
"cellularSignalQualityMin": 2,
"cellularSignalQualityMax": 32
Status codes:
- 200: Lock type added successfully
- 409: Lock type with description already exists
curl --location --request PUT 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/locktype' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"id": [LOCKID],
"description": "omni update",
"batteryVoltageMin": 3.4,
"batteryVoltageMax": 4.2,
"cellularSignalQualityMin": 2,
"cellularSignalQualityMax": 32
Status codes:
- 200: Lock type updated successfully
- 409: Lock type with description already exists
curl --location --request DELETE 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/locktype/[LOCKID]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: Lock type deleted successfully
- 409: Lock type with given id does not exist
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/requestunlock/[LOCKID]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: Lock should unlock now
- 500: Probably lock id not exist
- 501: Adapter type unlock not implemented in backend
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/requestring/[LOCKID]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: Lock should beep now
- 500: Probably lock id not exist
- 501: Adapter type ring not implemented in backend
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/requestposition/[LOCKID]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: Lock should fetch gps position and send it back a few minutes later
- 500: Probably lock id not exist
- 501: Adapter type ask position not implemented in backend
curl --location 'http://[BACKEND_HOST]/api/admin/requestinfo/[LOCKID]' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [JWT]'
Status codes:
- 200: Lock should fetch general information and send it back shortly
- 500: Probably lock id not exist
- 501: Adapter type ask information not implemented in backend
To be implemented