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Bess Sadler edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 8 revisions
The goal of Samvera Camp is to introduce new developers to the skills and tools they will need to successfully build Samvera-based digital repository solutions. There’s a lot of ground to cover and you won’t walk away at the end of the week a complete expert, but we hope we’ll have provided you enough of a scaffolding to jump-start your own work and keep learning like the rest of us. We hope that the topics covered at Samvera Camp provide enough breadcrumbs that you’ll have a good idea where to start looking once you get home and start digging into problems on your own!


  • ROOM: West Electronic Classroom (WEC), 2nd floor, Room #23167 in the Young Research Library (aka “YRL”).
  • CAMPUS MAP: Google Map and Campus Map
  • DINING OPTIONS: Menu and Locations
  • Camp will be held 9:30am - 5:00pm Monday through Thursday
  • Camp facilitators will hold office hours from 9:00am-9:30am Tuesday-Thursday before class
  • We are committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and respectful environment for everyone, please review our Code of Conduct

Day One Morning - MONDAY

Day One Afternoon

Day Two Morning - TUESDAY

Day Two Afternoon

Day Three Morning - WEDNESDAY

Day Three Afternoon

  • Development in Teams (continued)

Day Four Morning - THURSDAY

Day Four Afternoon

  • Team Demos
  • Questions & Answers