before you start this project you will need the following :
- Langchain API Key ( free to make)
- Downloading the dependencies
- Downloading LLAMA model im using
llama 3.2
- streamlit tool
Notes 📝 : Sometimes you will have to keep downloading llama 3.2
so there is a file called llama.bat
which will loop this process you may use it if things dont work with you
How can i can make my API key ?
First go to langchain account and press on setting
Then you will see the word API press on Create API
button :
Make the purpose to be Personal
then you will get you key Copy it cause you will need it and i will show you how you can use your API Key
first in you project folder you will create a Global file called .env
( which means you can access these keys regardless of the folders you have within the project )
it should look like this ( i have OPEN AI here cause i have a project that needs it )
to ease downloading the dependencies that you would need add a text file with required dependencies and write
`pip intall textfilename.txt`
i will put the file in the github as well
if the Ollama model doesnt wok that means in needs pulling use this command
ollama pull llama3.2
now to run the app use this command
streamlit run
Output :