An app displaying space-related information featuring a chatroom for real-time space discussion with other users.
Here is a link to a live version:
Space Invader has been built and deployed on macOS.
In order to run this project on your own machine you will first need to install node-package-manager (npm). This was built with npm v 6.13.1.
You can then fork and clone this directory onto your machine, open the root directory in your terminal and run
npm install
to install all dependencies.
Then you can fire up the development server by running:
npm start
The frontend has been configured to send requests to the live backend. If you would like to change the endpoint, the base URL settings are located at /src/adapters/BackendAdapter.js
This project was bootstrapped using create-react-app.
Node.js + NPM
React Router DOM
React Scroll to Bottom
Rails' ActionCable package
Some styling done with Semantic-UI-React
Deployed via Heroku
Rails (Initialized as API-only using 'rails new')
Redis Gem for ActionCable in production
ActionCable for WebSockets protocol
Active-Model-Serializers for data serialization
BCrypt for password authentication
Rack-Cors for CORS
JWT for user authentication (saved in browser's local storage)
Deployed via Heroku
Polly Reynolds -
Oliver Burt -