This is a PlaceholderAPI expansion that allows you to display "hidden" text for players with a specific permission you set in the placeholder itself. It only provides relation placeholders, so the plugin you'll use them in should be supporting relation placeholders from PlaceholderAPI.
Theres only one placeholder (So far, if you have any suggestion please let me know by opening a new issue here) that can be used for different values.
This field is to pick who should have the permission to display the text.
is the first player (the sender).
is the second player (the viewer).
The permission that the second player should have to be able to see the text you set.
Supports any PlaceholderAPI placeholder to be used here, but the placeholder should be inside {}
instead of %%
The text that will be displayed if the second player has the permission.
Supports any PlaceholderAPI placeholder to be used here, but the placeholder should be inside {}
instead of %%
it also supports new lines, just add {nl}
to add a new line.
The text that will be displayed if the second player doesn't have the permission.
Supports any PlaceholderAPI placeholder to be used here, but the placeholder should be inside {}
instead of %%
it also supports new lines, just add {nl}
to add a new line.
If no value is set, it will return the value in PlaceholderAPI config file.
Default value:
&cYou don't have permission to see this
This expansion is made specificly to add hidden tooltips for DeluxeChat plugin but as mentioned above, it will work with
any plugin that supports relation placeholders.
Eaxmple of use in DeluxeChat:
%rel_relcon_viewer_tooltip.staff_{nl}&8&l&m {nl}&6&lJailed &8&l» &7{essentials_jailed}_ %
As aBooDyy is the second player (the viewer), it picked him to check if he has the permission or not since we picked viewer
in the placeholder. If we picked player
it will check if Bot1 has the permission.
You can download this expansion automatically using PAPI download commands:
/papi ecloud download RelCon /papi reload
Or you can download it manaually from the eCloud and then put it in the expansions
folder (Path: /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/