2D Engine C++ cross platform to make video games
Using the Merline-Engine on linux require to install globally the SFML. Depending on your OS (Operating System)
for Debian: sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
for Fedora: sudo dnf install libsfml-devel
You also need to install g++ (the C++ compiler):
Debian: sudo apt-get install g++
Fedora: sudo dnf install g++
You can work on the library or your project and compile it using the Makefile: make
it should generate your binary and you can simply execute it
Windows need different tools to work:
- Visual Studio (2019 prefered)
- CMake (at least 3.10)
You can work on the library or your project and compile it using the CMakeLists.txt:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j${core}
(replace ${core} with the number of core you want)
This should generate many files / folders in build and you can find your binary in: build/Debug/
just copy/paste it at root and execute it