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Researcher Gene Registry. Originally developed for the Canadian Rare Disease Models & Mechanisms Network


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Researcher Gene Registry

RGR is a web application to support networks of scientists studying the mechanisms of genetic diseases.

The software was originally developed for the Canadian Rare Disease Models & Mechanisms Network and is currently used by a number of similar initiatives internationally.

Setup Instructions


  • Java 8+
  • MySQL 5.5+ or equivalent

Obtain Distribution

Download the latest jar distribution here.

The jar contains the core application, including an embedded webserver (Tomcat 8.5.x).

Set up database

Create database and associated user that the application will use to connect.


CREATE DATABASE rdp CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER  'rdpuser'@'%' identified by 'rdppassword';
grant all on rdp.* to 'rdpuser'@'%';

Customize Settings

The only thing that's left is customization and connection with your database. This is done by creating the following properties files

# ===============================
# ===============================

### Database Connection ###
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://<Host Here>:3306/<Database Name Here>
spring.datasource.username = DB_USER
spring.datasource.password = DB_PASS

# ==============================================================
# = Spring Email
# ==============================================================

### Email Server Setup ##
spring.mail.username[email protected]

# ==============================================================
# = Application Specific Defaults
# ==============================================================

### Host of your production website (No Trailing Slash) ###

## Context Root Path of production website (leave blank if none) ###

### Emails (these can be the same) ###

### Contact Email is the one displayed in the website ###[email protected]

### Admin Email is the one used by the system to send and receive email ###[email protected]

# ==============================================================
# = Privacy and search Defaults
# ==============================================================

# Privacy settings
## Whether the search page is accessible by visitors (i.e. non-registered users)
## Whether the search page is accessible by registered users
## 0 = private, 1 = shared with registered users, 2 = public
## Minimum allowed privacy level
## share with international instances
## whether users are allowed to change their privacy settings
## whether users are allowed to change their international sharing setting
## whether users are allowed to hide their gene-list when their data is shared or public

# international search settings
## whether to enable international searching
## whether international search is selected by default
## urls of international instances to search when enabled. Separate with a comma
## Admin user id used for authenticated remote search. Not using 1 or 2 because those are IDs frequently used in tests. If changed, also update data.sql
## Token used for remote search with administrative rights. Obtain from RDMM program coordinator.
## Tokens for remote requests that authorize administrative access. Usually equal to the search-token, but can contain multiple entries separated by comma.

### Proxy settings (optional) ###

# ==============================================================
# = Custom Messages
# ==============================================================

### Customisable HTML Embeddings ### Diseases: Models & Mechanisms Network<h2 class="navbar-text m-0">${}</h2><p>The ${} Registry collects information on model organism researchers \
  and the specific genes they study. The Registry is the mechanism by which researchers can find potential \
  matches of model organism researchers to human rare disease or cancer researchers.</p> you for registering with ${}. (${}${}). will then be able to log in using the password you provided, and \
  start filling in your profile.\r\n\r\n If you have questions or difficulties with registration please \
  feel free to contact us: ${}

Using a proxy server for international search

Configure by adding the follow configuration.

### Proxy settings (optional) ###

Where is the proxy host address, and rdp.settings.isearch.port is the required proxy port. No change is required if not using a proxy server.

Running Application

To start the application the simplest command is: java -jar rdp-x.x.x.jar

That being said, there a few options you will likely want to specify

  • -Dserver.port=<port>: Port for the webserver to listen on.
  • -Dspring.config.location=file:<faq location>: Location to find the FAQ question & answers
  • Specify this if you receive logs such as: "Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took [235,853] milliseconds." The secure random calls may be blocking as there is not enough entropy to feed them in /dev/random.

The webserver will start initialising, create any missing required tables in the connected database and shortly be serving content at the provided port.


Building From Source

  • Clone the repo or download the source distribution.
    • git clone
  • Package
    • cd modinvreg/
    • ./mvnw package

The jar will be create in the target directory.

For custom deployments see: To install as a system service see:

Example Setup for Centos 7 With Mysql 5.5+ & Apache


  • mysql -uroot -p
  • CREATE DATABASE rdp CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  • CREATE USER 'rdpuser'@'%' identified by 'rdppassword';
  • grant all on rdp.* to 'rdpuser'@'%';


  • cd /project/directory
  • wget
  • create, and optionally
  • test run the jar: java -Dserver.port=8080 -jar rdp-x.x.x.jar
  • (Optional) Log into the database and activate other organisms.
  • Set up jar as systemd service:
    • create file /etc/systemd/system/rdp.service containing similar to the following:

ExecStart=/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx3g -Dserver.port=8083 -jar rdp-x.x.x.jar

  • Start service: systemctl start rdp.service
  • View logs: journalctl -f -u rdp.service


  • Create a standard virtualhost with the following proxies:
    • ProxyPass / http://localhost:<port>/
    • ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:<port>/

Ortholog mapping

There is a static ortholog mapping included with the application, that will automatically populate the database on startup.

For future updates of the ortholog mapping, you can watch the file for changes, and run the ortholog part on your database when that happens.

Migration from version 1.1.x to 1.2

Your current data should not be lost in this step, but you should definitely have a database backup in case things go wrong for any reason.

Read about database backup options for mysql here:

If you get any errors during any part of the following process, please contact us.

Obtain the latest jar file and replace your old jar file with it. Add this line to your


Run the application, but do not allow users to connect to it (you can shut it down immediately after it has successfully started up). This should add new properties to the database, that are required for the new version to run properly, and fill the ortholog mapping table.

Remove the line you added from the file again. Keeping it should not have any adverse effect, but it will slow down further startup times of the application.

There are new security settings that can be added to your file. See the section 'Privacy and search Defaults' in the 'Customize Settings' example file.

The new security settings will have to be back-filled for the users that have registered prior to this update. This can be done by directly editing the database entries like so:

hide_genelist = 0, 
privacy_level = 0, 
shared = 1;

The values of these settings should correspond with the defaults you have set in your file. Specifically:

  • hide_genelist = X if X =1, hides users gene list from public searches. is only effective when the setting rdp.settings.privacy.allow-hide-genelist is enabled.
  • privacy_level = X where X is the privacy level. Should have the same value as rdp.settings.privacy.default-level, or whatever the users prior to this update agreed to.
  • shared = X where X is 1 or 0. Corresponds to rdp.settings.privacy.default-sharing

Registered user search in previous version

If you previously had search enabled for registered users, you want to set privacy_level to 1 and rdp.settings.privacy.default-level to true.

The original system for enabling registered users to use the search function was based on assigning a different role to all users. This has been discontinued, and needs to be manually switched for all existing users. This can be easily done by running the following command on your database (provided you have the original set of roles that came with the application, where ROLE_USER has id 2, and ROLE_MANAGER has id 3):

UPDATE user_role SET role_id = 2 WHERE role_id = 3;

International search

There are few steps that need to be taken in order to make the international search available when migrating your old application to the new version that supports it.

Firstly, a special user has to be created that will provide access to the remote instances. To do this, run the following command on your database. This account should not be used for any other purpose, which is why it's username and password are randomly generated by the following script.

Note that in order for this command to be guaranteed to work, the RDMM application connected to this database must be shut down.

INSERT INTO user ( email, enabled, password, privacy_level, description, last_name, name, shared, hide_genelist)
VALUES(CONCAT(RAND(),""), 0, MD5(RAND()), 0, "Remote admin profile", "", "", false, false);
INSERT INTO user_role (user_id,role_id) VALUES ((select max(user_id) from user), 1);
INSERT INTO user_role (user_id,role_id) VALUES ((select max(user_id) from user), 2);
SELECT max(user_id) from user;

The last command will output an information that you will need in the next step. It will look like this:

| max(user_id) |
|          550 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Make note of the number in the box (550 in the above example).

With this information in hand, you will need to update your file:

## whether to enable international searching
## whether international search is selected by default
## urls of international instances to search when enabled. Separate with a comma
## Admin user id used for authenticated remote search. Not using 1 or 2 because those are IDs frequently used in tests. If changed, also update data.sql
## Token used for remote search with administrative rights. Obtain from RDMM program coordinator.
## Tokens for remote requests that authorize administrative access. Usually equal to the search-token, but can contain multiple entries separated by comma.

Use the number you noted in the previous step for the rdp.settings.isearch.user-id line.

You can obtain the values for lines rdp.settings.isearch.apis, and rdp.settings.isearch.auth-tokens from the central network administrator. The search-token and auth-tokens are highly confidential information, and we ask you to not share them with anyone, since if would compromise the security of the whole network.

It is possible that as new international partners register to the network, we will provide you with updated values for the rdp.settings.isearch.apis line. Or in case of a security breach, we might ask you to update your search-token and auth-tokens.

Custom taxon ordering

A new property for taxa has been introduced, that allows a custom order of taxa in the dropdown menus.

You can customize the order by running the following commands on your database. Just edit the ordering=X number to represent what position you would like the taxon to be on. You can skip taxa that you do not use (i.e. that are not active):

update taxon set ordering = 1 where common_name = "human";
update taxon set ordering = 2 where common_name = "mouse";
update taxon set ordering = 3 where common_name = "rat";
update taxon set ordering = 4 where common_name = "zebrafish";
update taxon set ordering = 5 where common_name = "fruit fly";
update taxon set ordering = 6 where common_name = "roundworm";
update taxon set ordering = 7 where common_name = "yeast";
update taxon set ordering = 8 where common_name = "e. coli";

New FAQs

There are new categories talking about the now available privacy and sharing options. You can use our updated faq file (see the file in our github repository), or add the new categories manually to your existing file.

Start the application

After finishing all the steps, you can start your RDMM application again and test if everything works as expected.