El Mercado is an ecommerce thought as a national food market for local suppliers.
Developed by Inés de Palma.
- This project has been develop with React as a Javascript front-end framework using hooks.
- Node.js for the server with express, creating an API RESTful with JWT authentication.
- Used SASS as a CSS preprocessor compiled with webpack.
- External APIS: Multer combined with Cloudinary, Formik, Stripe, Mapbox among others.
Searchbar with different types iof search on different events:
- Search fron any place in the web app
- Type and click to the product
- Type and enter for all results
In a national market maybe not all the suppliers sending models reach you, so why get hooked with a product for nothing? 1. Insert your zip 2. The products get sorted: first the ones that reach you and then, in black and white the ones that dont.
and then you can see every detailed product!
Shop from all the stores you want in only one shopping bag!
Even though several orders are created (each for one shop), you only go through one asy and friendly experience.
See the current state of your order... if its on its way, if it is beeing processed or even cancel it if you are not sure! You will get your money back in a discount code!!
You are not buying form a huge company, you are buying directly to Manolo or to Sara... you can even see their location!
Vendors have a different front for them to...
...create and manage shipping models in Spain and uploading products and...
...manage their order state in one click!
Thank you for reading, see you in El Mercado!!