⚠️ Repository Moved
This repository has been moved to https://github.com/PSPDFKit/nutrient-web-examples/tree/main/examples/webpack.
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This example shows how to build a PSPDFKit for Web web application with webpack.
This example uses the Standalone version of PSPDFKit for Web distributed as an npm package.
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Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/PSPDFKit/pspdfkit-web-example-webpack.git
cd pspdfkit-web-example-webpack
Install the project dependencies with npm
npm install
We are ready to launch the app! 🎉
npm run start
You can now open http://localhost:8080 in your browser and enjoy!
Upload a PDF either via the Select File
button at top-left or by dropping a PDF into the page.
We put a sample PDF document in the assets
folder of this project for you to try!
For further instructions please refer to our online guide available at https://www.nutrient.io/guides/web/current/standalone/adding-to-your-project#toc_install-with-npm
To run the app in development mode run
npm run start:dev
The webpack
configuration file is located at ./config/webpack.js.
This software is licensed under a modified BSD license.
Please ensure you signed our CLA so we can accept your contributions.