OCL Mapper user interface
docker-compose up -d
- Visit http://localhost:4004
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.sso.yml up -d
- Visit http://localhost:4004
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- Visit http://localhost:4004
docker exec -it <container_name> bash -c "eslint src/ --ext=.js*"
In order to increase major/minor version you need to set the new version in package.json.
is a simple CLI script (command-line interface) to evaluate the performance (e.g. matching accuracy, time, etc.) of a matching algorithm.
You must provide at least a file of the input data to be matched (-f
or --file
). The evaluation requires that the input spreadsheet has a column
with the ultimate mapping decision made. It can have one of three types of values:
- Concept ID, e.g.
- "New" - if a new concept was proposed
- Empty - if the row was excluded (not mapped to a concept)
See all command line arguments like this:
python3 mapeval.py --help
python3 mapeval.py -t=[your-api-token] -r=/orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/v2023-09-11/ -e=https://api.qa.openconceptlab.org -f=./samples/NMRS\ Concept\ Request\ from\ CCFN\ 22012025\ final\ mappings.xlsx --correct=Correct\ Map\ CIEL\ Concept\ ID