If you are trying to create a new PHP Laravel package, whether it is going to be submitted to packagist.org or just to exist in your Github account, this template package of files will surely help you make the process a lot easier and faster.
- PHP >= 8.0;
- composer.
- PSR-4 autoloading compliant structure;
- PSR-2 compliant code style;
- Unit-Testing with PHPUnit 6;
- Comprehensive guide and tutorial;
- Easy to use with any framework or even a plain php file;
- Useful tools for better code included.
composer create-project onramplab/laravel-package-template yourproject
This will create a basic project structure for you:
- /build is used to store code coverage output by default;
- /src is where your codes will live in, each class will need to reside in its own file inside this folder;
- /tests each class that you write in src folder needs to be tested before it was even "included" into somewhere else. So basically we have tests classes there to test other classes;
- .gitignore there are certain files that we don't want to publish in Git, so we just add them to this fle for them to "get ignored by git";
- CHANGELOG.md to keep track of package updates;
- CONTRIBUTION.md Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct;
- LICENSE terms of how much freedom other programmers is allowed to use this library;
- README.md it is a mini documentation of the library, this is usually the "home page" of your repo if you published it on GitHub and Packagist;
- composer.json is where the information about your library is stored, like package name, author and dependencies;
- phpunit.xml It is a configuration file of PHPUnit, so that tests classes will be able to test the classes you've written;
- .travis.yml basic configuration for Travis CI with configured test coverage reporting for code climate.
Please refer to original article for more information.
php vendor/bin/phpunit
composer test
php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/
composer psr2check
composer psr2autofix
composer insights:fix
php vendor/bin/phpdoc -d "src" -t "docs"
composer docs
To keep track, please refer to CHANGELOG.md.
- Fork it.
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
- Make your changes.
- Run the tests, adding new ones for your own code if necessary (phpunit).
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature').
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
- Create new pull request.
Also please refer to CONTRIBUTION.md.
Please refer to LICENSE.