OneSignal - the Ruby gem for the OneSignal
A powerful way to send personalized messages at scale and build effective customer engagement strategies. Learn more at
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.4.0
- Package version: 2.2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build onesignal.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./onesignal-2.2.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./onesignal-2.2.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'onesignal', '~> 2.2.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'onesignal', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'onesignal'
# Setup authorization
OneSignal.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization: app_key
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
api_instance =
app_id = 'app_id_example' # String | The OneSignal App ID for your app. Available in Keys & IDs.
activity_id = 'activity_id_example' # String | Live Activity record ID
begin_live_activity_request ={push_token: 'push_token_example', subscription_id: 'subscription_id_example'}) # BeginLiveActivityRequest |
#Start Live Activity
api_instance.begin_live_activity(app_id, activity_id, begin_live_activity_request)
rescue OneSignal::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DefaultApi->begin_live_activity: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | begin_live_activity | POST /apps/{app_id}/live_activities/{activity_id}/token | Start Live Activity |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | cancel_notification | DELETE /notifications/{notification_id} | Stop a scheduled or currently outgoing notification |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_app | POST /apps | Create an app |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_notification | POST /notifications | Create notification |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_player | POST /players | Add a device |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_segments | POST /apps/{app_id}/segments | Create Segments |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_subscription | POST /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id}/subscriptions | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | create_user | POST /apps/{app_id}/users | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | delete_alias | DELETE /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id}/identity/{alias_label_to_delete} | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | delete_player | DELETE /players/{player_id} | Delete a user record |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | delete_segments | DELETE /apps/{app_id}/segments/{segment_id} | Delete Segments |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | delete_subscription | DELETE /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | delete_user | DELETE /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id} | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | end_live_activity | DELETE /apps/{app_id}/live_activities/{activity_id}/token/{subscription_id} | Stop Live Activity |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | export_events | POST /notifications/{notification_id}/export_events?app_id={app_id} | Export CSV of Events |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | export_players | POST /players/csv_export?app_id={app_id} | Export CSV of Players |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | fetch_aliases | GET /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/user/identity | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | fetch_user | GET /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id} | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | fetch_user_identity | GET /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id}/identity | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_app | GET /apps/{app_id} | View an app |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_apps | GET /apps | View apps |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_eligible_iams | GET /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/iams | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_notification | GET /notifications/{notification_id} | View notification |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_notification_history | POST /notifications/{notification_id}/history | Notification History |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_notifications | GET /notifications | View notifications |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_outcomes | GET /apps/{app_id}/outcomes | View Outcomes |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_player | GET /players/{player_id} | View device |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | get_players | GET /players | View devices |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | identify_user_by_alias | PATCH /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id}/identity | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | identify_user_by_subscription_id | PATCH /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/user/identity | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | transfer_subscription | PATCH /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/owner | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_app | PUT /apps/{app_id} | Update an app |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_live_activity | POST /apps/{app_id}/live_activities/{activity_id}/notifications | Update a Live Activity via Push |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_player | PUT /players/{player_id} | Edit device |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_player_tags | PUT /apps/{app_id}/users/{external_user_id} | Edit tags with external user id |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_subscription | PATCH /apps/{app_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | |
OneSignal::DefaultApi | update_user | PATCH /apps/{app_id}/users/by/{alias_label}/{alias_id} |
- OneSignal::App
- OneSignal::BasicNotification
- OneSignal::BasicNotificationAllOf
- OneSignal::BasicNotificationAllOfAndroidBackgroundLayout
- OneSignal::BeginLiveActivityRequest
- OneSignal::Button
- OneSignal::CancelNotificationSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::CreateNotificationSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::CreatePlayerSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::CreateSegmentConflictResponse
- OneSignal::CreateSegmentSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::CreateSubscriptionRequestBody
- OneSignal::CreateUserConflictResponse
- OneSignal::CreateUserConflictResponseErrorsInner
- OneSignal::CreateUserConflictResponseErrorsItemsMeta
- OneSignal::DeletePlayerNotFoundResponse
- OneSignal::DeletePlayerSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::DeleteSegmentNotFoundResponse
- OneSignal::DeleteSegmentSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::DeliveryData
- OneSignal::ExportEventsSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::ExportPlayersRequestBody
- OneSignal::ExportPlayersSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::Filter
- OneSignal::FilterExpressions
- OneSignal::GenericError
- OneSignal::GenericErrorErrorsInner
- OneSignal::GetNotificationRequestBody
- OneSignal::InlineResponse200
- OneSignal::InlineResponse2003
- OneSignal::InlineResponse201
- OneSignal::InlineResponse202
- OneSignal::InvalidIdentifierError
- OneSignal::Notification
- OneSignal::Notification200Errors
- OneSignal::NotificationAllOf
- OneSignal::NotificationHistorySuccessResponse
- OneSignal::NotificationSlice
- OneSignal::NotificationTarget
- OneSignal::NotificationWithMeta
- OneSignal::NotificationWithMetaAllOf
- OneSignal::Operator
- OneSignal::OutcomeData
- OneSignal::OutcomesData
- OneSignal::PlatformDeliveryData
- OneSignal::PlatformDeliveryDataEmailAllOf
- OneSignal::PlatformDeliveryDataSmsAllOf
- OneSignal::Player
- OneSignal::PlayerNotificationTarget
- OneSignal::PlayerNotificationTargetIncludeAliases
- OneSignal::PlayerSlice
- OneSignal::PropertiesDeltas
- OneSignal::PropertiesObject
- OneSignal::Purchase
- OneSignal::RateLimiterError
- OneSignal::Segment
- OneSignal::SegmentNotificationTarget
- OneSignal::StringMap
- OneSignal::SubscriptionObject
- OneSignal::TransferSubscriptionRequestBody
- OneSignal::UpdateLiveActivityRequest
- OneSignal::UpdateLiveActivitySuccessResponse
- OneSignal::UpdatePlayerSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::UpdatePlayerTagsRequestBody
- OneSignal::UpdatePlayerTagsSuccessResponse
- OneSignal::UpdateSubscriptionRequestBody
- OneSignal::UpdateUserRequest
- OneSignal::User
- OneSignal::UserIdentityRequestBody
- OneSignal::UserIdentityResponse
- OneSignal::UserSubscriptionOptions
- Type: Bearer authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication