This app requires FFmpeg and Node.js version 14 or higher.
The app can be run locally by cloning and installing packages with npm or on Docker.
To setup with npm, install dependencies and run the app:
cd rtms-mock-server-sample
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the server
npm start
To setup with Docker, run the following:
cd rtms-mock-server-sample
# Option 1: Using docker-compose (recommended)
docker-compose up -d
# Option 2: Manual docker commands
# Build Docker image
docker build -t rtms-mock-server .
# Run the container
docker run -d \
-p 9092:9092 \
-p 8081:8081 \
-v $(pwd)/data:/app/data \
--name rtms-mock-server \
# View logs
docker logs -f rtms-mock-server
To stop the container:
docker stop rtms-mock-server
To restart the container:
docker start rtms-mock-server
Start the server (npm or Docker) and open the mock server at http://localhost:9092. The sample client at ./client
can now be used to consume media from the mock server.
In a new terminal, run the sample client:
node client/server.js
This opens up a server at localhost:8000
. For webhook validation, the client will need to be exposed to the internet with a tunnel, like ngrok.
ngrok http 8000
The ngrok URL will be used to validate the webhook endpoint. Copy your URL and paste it into the webhook URL field on the mock server (http://localhost:9092). Click validate. In the RTMS server and client you'll see confirmation of the validation.
You can now start a meeting and start streaming media to the client.
Delete the current index from the indexes folder
comment out this line in the
RAG = model_manager.get_model(device="mps")
and uncomment these
RAG = RAGMultiModalModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path="/Users/yahiasalman/Desktop/RetainAll/RetainBackend/app/models/colqwen2-v1.0", index_root="./index", device="mps")
RAG.index(input_path="./saved_frame.jpg", index_name="TreeIndex", store_collection_with_index=True, overwrite=True)
and run
then you can run
and the server should start running on port 8010
Make sure that you have redis and celery installed!