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Still in beta…


(For local/vps deployment rename .env.sample to .env and edit with your variable) (list of available variables isn't complete.)

Compulsory Variables Explanation
APP_ID API_HASH BOT_TOKEN get the first two from and the third from @Botfather
OWNER input id Of allowed users with a space between each
Optional Variables Explanation
THUMBNAIL ICON input telegraph link of a picture for use as Thumbnail, Watermark.
FFMPEG input Your FFMPEG Code or Handbrake-cli code (after installing it) with """{}""" as input and output. (Eg. ffmpeg -i """{}""" -preset veryfast -vcodec libx265 -crf 27 """{}""") escape the " characters if you're deploying locally
TEMP_USERS Additional restricted users allowed to use the bot
LOG_CHANNEL Input Log Group/Channel ID (bot must be an admin in target group or channel)
DATABASE_URL input valid Mongodb Database Url
ENCODER Encoder's name/nickname to be included in captions can also contain encode info.
FCHANNEL FCHANNEL_STATS Input Channel id where only the output video will get forwarded. For the 2nd variable input message id of a message in channel to be used as live status for encodes.
LOGS_IN_CHANNEL type=bool Get error logs in log channel. Turned off by default, set to True to turn on.
ALWAYS_DEPLOY_LATEST type=bool When starting bot always pull latest code from upstream repo or default repo if none is given
CMD_SUFFIX Bot will only listen to commands ending with the given value
TELEGRAPH_API Api to use instead of when posting mediainfo
LOCK_ON_STARTUP Pause bot on startup untill pause off is used.
FS_THRESHOLD Threshold for bot to sleep on floodwait in seconds
ALLOW_ACTION type=bool Set to True or False depending on whether you want encoding chat actions enabled for bot
UPSTREAM_REPO UPSTREAM_BRANCH Input custom repo link and custom repo branch name, For use with the update function
. Note: Update will fail if there are new modules or dependencies in bot. Redeploy if that happens


start - check if bot is awake and get usage.
restart -  restart bot
update - update bot
nuke - ☢️ nuke bot
bash - /bash + command
eval - evaluate code
pause - prevent bot from encoding
peval - same as eval but with pyrogram
ping - ping!
add - add video to queue
leech - add link to queue
qbleech - add torrent link to queue
select - select files to encode in a batch
permit - add a temporary user
unpermit - removes a temporary user
queue - list queue
batch - preview batches
list - list all files in a torrent
forward - manually forward a message to fchannel
v - turn v2,3,4… on (with message) or off
download - download a file or link to bot
upload - upload from a local directory or link
rename - rename a video file/link
mediainfo - get the media info of a replied file/link
mux - remux a file
get - get current ffmpeg code
set - set custom ffmpeg code
reset - reset default ffmpeg code
filter - filter & stuff
vfilter - view filter
groupenc - allow encoding in group toggle
delfilter - delete filter
rss - edit, delete & subscribe rss feeds
anime - get anime info
airing - get anime's airing info
setrename - set custom_rename format
name - quick filter with anime_title
vname - get list of name filter
delname - delete name filter
status - 🆕 get bot's status
showthumb - 🖼️ show current thumbnail
parse - toggle parsing with captions or anilist
groupenc - turn off/on encoding in groups
cancelall - ❌ clear cached downloads & queued files
clear - clear queued files
logs - get bot logs
help - same as start


With Docker:

  • Install Docker
  • Clone repository to your preferred location
  • Ensure you are in the proper directory with Dockerfile and .env file present
  • For a faster build run (optional) (don't run from the scripts directory):
    • python3 scripts/ (Or manually edit Dockerfile, instructions provided there. To undo, run: python3 scripts/ undo
  • Run:
    • docker build . -t enc
    • docker run enc

Without Docker:

  • Install required dependencies check Dockerfile or preferably for inspiration (I no longer maintain the local_deploy script so run at your own risk)
  • python3.10, ffmpeg, ffprobe & mediainfo is required
  • Run:
    • bash To start bot normally
    • bash To start bot silently


(Coming Soon)
