is a wrapper around Neovim that makes your Lua configuration nix
compatible. It makes the barrier to a working Neovim configuration on nix as
small as possible for existing Neovim users.
As the creator of nixCats aptly said, nix is for downloading and Lua is for configuring. I am taking that idea further by transforming your configuration to a nix compatible one at build time. Inside Lua, you have 0 extra dependencies, and as few changes as possible.
provides a flake template that you can put inside your Neovim
configuration. You have to make a couple minor adjustments to your
configuration and specify what dependencies your configuration has and
will do the rest.
For fun.
Besides that, when I originally was looking into nix, my Neovim configuration was my big blocker. I had spent quite a bit of time on it and I really didn't want to rewrite it in nix, especially since that'd mean I couldn't use it as a normal configuration anymore. Then later I found nixCats, which is a great project, and that helped me to go to nix.
Somewhere along the line, I had some problems with nixCats (completely my own fault), and somewhere around midnight I had a fun idea to just parse my configuration and patch in the plugin directories. A frankly insane 18 hours of programming later, I had some base concepts that worked, and I decided to go for it!
Change loading lazy to:
local set = function(nonNix, nix)
if vim.g.nix == true then
return nix
return nonNix
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim
local load_lazy = set(function()
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then
local lazyrepo = ""
local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath })
if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then
{ "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" },
{ out, "WarningMsg" },
{ "\nPress any key to exit..." },
}, true, {})
end, function()
-- Prepend the runtime path with the directory of lazy
-- This means we can call `require("lazy")`
-- Actually execute the loading function we set above
-- Disable resetting the RTP, so that you actually see our new one
require("lazy").setup("plugins", { performance = { rtp = { reset = set(true, false) } } })
Disable plugins like Mason
so they don't download things on nix.
Clone the flake using nix flake init -t github:NicoElbers/nixPatch-nvim
Set luaPath
to the directory which contains your init.lua
Use nixos search to find all the plugins you're using and import them in plugins
in the flake.
Use nixos search again to find all runtime dependencies (tree-sitter, lsp) and put them in runtimeDeps
For more detailed information, look at the section below.
does its best to work with existing lazy.nvim configurations, but
it's not perfect. The setup you need to however, is minimal. There are 2 main
limitations as of now:
- Plugins that install files, like mason, don't play nice with nix.
- lazy.nvim isn't loaded by lazy.nvim, so we need a special way to be able to load it correctly.
For the other 2 limitations you do need to make some changes to your configuration, luckily you still don't have to change a thing when you're not on nix!
The trick to this is very simple. nixPatch
does very little magic, but the
one bit of magic it does set the global vim.g.nix
to true
. This allows us
to make a very useful utility function:
local set = function(nonNix, nix)
if vim.g.nix == true then
return nix
return nonNix
Function inspired by nixCats, thank you BirdeeHub!
We can give a nonNix and a nix value to this function, but what exactly does that do? It means we can assign values, or functions, or anything really based on if we're using nix or not. So for example on nix we can disable mason, or we can have different setup functions on nix and non nix.
How to better integrate the function
Of course, it's not very nice to have to copy this function over everywhere,
for that I personally have a lua/utils.lua
file. This file roughly looks like
-- Set M to an empty table
local M = {}
-- snip
-- Add boolean values to this table
M.isNix = vim.g.nix == true
M.isNotNix = vim.g.nix == nil
-- Add the set function to this table,
-- we can now call it with require("utils").set(a, b)
function M.set(nonNix, nix)
if M.isNix then
return nix
return nonNix
-- snip
return M
That way I can call require("utils")
anywhere in my config and have access to
! For an example, see my config.
On nonNix the lazy docs tell you to add this to your config:
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then
local lazyrepo = ""
local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath })
if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then
{ "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" },
{ out, "WarningMsg" },
{ "\nPress any key to exit..." },
}, true, {})
This is downloading something imperatively, which we want to avoid on nix. Luckily this is super easy to change with our utility. The problem is what do we replace it with?
This is another piece of sort of magic nixPatch
does. The Lua string
is replaced with the appropriate path to the
lazy.nvim plugin. This works because nixPatch
provides some default patches
if they otherwise wouldn't work out of the box, among these I added the string
to be replaced. You can see all default patches in
file. You can also add your own, as you'll see a bit later.
Also note how we have to add { performance = { rtp = { reset = set(true, false) } } }
our lazygit settings. This is because otherwise lazy will try to force our
runtime path (where your configuration lives) to be ~/.config/{name}
, which
we want to avoid.
Beware if you turn off the patchSubs
setting, this will no longer work.
Here is how that looks in practice:
local set = function(nonNix, nix)
if vim.g.nix == true then
return nix
return nonNix
-- Bootstrap lazy.nvim
local load_lazy = set(function()
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not (vim.uv or vim.loop).fs_stat(lazypath) then
local lazyrepo = ""
local out = vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "--branch=stable", lazyrepo, lazypath })
if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then
{ "Failed to clone lazy.nvim:\n", "ErrorMsg" },
{ out, "WarningMsg" },
{ "\nPress any key to exit..." },
}, true, {})
end, function()
-- Prepend the runtime path with the directory of lazy
-- This means we can call `require("lazy")`
-- Actually execute the loading function we set above
-- Disable resetting the RTP, so that you actually see our new one
require("lazy").setup("plugins", { performance = { rtp = { reset = set(true, false) } } })
Now that we already have our utility functions this is pretty easy. I'll give
my own examples here in the future, for now look at how nixCats does it. If you
replace require('nixCatsUtils).lazyadd
with our set
function, everything
works the same.
Inside the directory where you have your configuration do nix flake init -t github:NicoElbers/nixPatch-nvim
. This creates a flake.nix
. Inside this flake
you will find the outlines for everything you need.
The main things you need to look out for are plugins
, runtimeDeps
and luaPath
- luaPath: This is very simply the path to your configuration root, aka the
directory which contains your
- plugins: This is where you tell nix what plugins to download. This will take
a little bit of time, the easiest way I have found to do this is to put
'vimPlugins' in nixos search
and search for all your plugins there. In my experience, with a little bit of
fiddling, this worked best. After that, do
nix build
, and try to execute./result/bin/nvimp
. Once everything is loaded you can do:Lazy
, where you see all your plugins. Every dot that is blue means that the plugin was downloaded from github aka you need to add that plugin to your list. Once everything is done all the dots should be orange. Should you have installed everything but lazy is still downloading something, look at the "Custom patches" tab below. - runtimeDeps: This is all the external executables neovim will have access to.
This is things like
and your lsp's. Same here, look at nixos search and look for the executable. In my experience some lsp's have weird names so you might need to search a little. Feel free to use my config as a starting point.
The other options are hopefully explained well enough in the template. If not, feel free to make an issue and or pr.
If you want to see what your config looks like, to find errors or just for fun,
contains the location your patched config is located.
Custom patches
nixPatch provides you with the possibility to define custom subsitutions (look at how it works for more details). These can be used to change any Lua string into any other Lua string. A specialization of these are plugin subsitutions. These assume that whatever you're replacing is a url and will replace a bit of fluff around it to satisfy lazy.nvim.
In most cases you're gonna want to use a plugin subsitution. You can generate
these very easily using the functions provided by patchUtils.nix
In the
template they are already imported for you. Have a look at them to see how you
use them. When you have them generated, you need to put them in customSubs
your flake. After this you should be good.
In the cases that you want to use literal string replacement, a couple of things to note:
- You can only replace Lua strings (wrapped in
), you can't change arbitrary characters. - Be careful what strings you're replacing. Every Lua string in your entire config will be checked. Notably, this includes inside comments
- The string you're replacing is matched fully. No substring matching, every character has to match exactly.
- You cannot put code in your configuration. Everything you replace will be
wrapped by
, Lua's multiline string. String replacment is only meant to pass values from nix to your configuration. If you want specific code to run when you're using nix, use theset
function discussed above. - You can escape the multiline string if you really want, I don't validate your input in any way, but I make 0 guarantees it'll work in the future.
- Make any lazy.nvim configuration nix compatible
- Keep Neovim fast
- Easy setup for anyone
These are my goals in order.
First and foremost I want you to have no limits within your configuration. You should be able to do whatever you want in non-nix, and do everything within the limits of nix while using nix. I don't want to enforce anything if I can avoid it.
After that I want to keep Neovim fast. Everything should be done at build time, anything done at runtime will slow down neovim which I will avoid at all costs. My 29ms startup should stay 29ms under all circumstances.
Last but not least, setup should be easy. Part of the reason I stared this
project is that I had a hard time making my config nix compatible. You
shouldn't need to know much if anything about nix to get nixPatch
to work.
- Currently
only works for lazy.nvim configurations. I might add support for plug in the future, however this is not a priority for the project. - You might experience issues with aliasing
if you also have Neovim installed and on your path. Therefore, it is not aliased by default. - You might experience issues if you use page
as it also provides a binary named
- Make the Lua parser smarter such that one line dependency plugin url's no longer need to be wrapped
- Provide a way to iterate over your configuration quickly
- This would mean that the underlying config patcher be exposed as a program for you to run, updating your settings but not adding new plugins
- Add support for different package managers
- This should be pretty simple, however I only use lazy.nvim so it's not a priority for me
- Provide a script that parses your config and makes the
for you, with plugins and all - Make a nixos module / home manager module
- In my opinion this has friction with the goal of simplicity, as it detaches
the Neovim configuration from the
configuration. Unsure for now
- In my opinion this has friction with the goal of simplicity, as it detaches
the Neovim configuration from the
works very differently from other nix Neovim solutions I've seen.
Instead of generating Lua from nix configuration or hijacking the package
manager, nixPatch
patches your configuration at build time paths. Lazy.nvim
expects either a url or a directory for any given plugin, so with a bit of
clever parsing we can find the urls of your plugins and change them to
But how does it know what urls to change? Wouldn't that be a lot of manual labor? Luckily, no. In nixpkgs vim plugin derivations are all put in one large file in a structured manner. This means that we can parse it quite easily. Combining this with a list of plugins you provide, we can link a url to a store path.
Some plugins, like LuaSnip, don't work, for these exceptions we can make custom
patches. If you look at the subPatches.nix
file you'll find every custom
patch I provide by default (you can disable these by setting patchSubs
false). Doing that in this repository has the nice advantage that once someone
finds a faulty plugin, they can upstream their custom patch, and make it
available for everyone.
I chose to do the patching itself in Zig, not nix. Mainly because I've been really liking Zig lately, and I'm not confident I could do complex file parsing in nix. Another advantage of Zig is speed. If I time the patcher on my own config it takes about 0.1 second, which is pretty good I'd say. Right now, that speed doesn't make much of a difference, building the executable takes ~10 seconds (although only happens once) and setting up other things for Neovim takes a few more seconds, but it will make a difference in the future.
One frustration I've heard is that iterating over your configuration is kind of annoying in nix. Rebuilding doesn't take ages, but long enough that it's frustrating. In the future, I plan to provide the patcher executable in some special "iteration" mode, where you can make changes and patch you config yourself. Then having that 0.1 second build time will not be that different from starting up Neovim normally.