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imgtool: Beautiful Social Images, done right 🚀

📦 Table of Contents

📝 Todo

  • Add a way to specify a template file
  • Add Emojis to README
  • Add a way to specify a resolution
  • Implement a way to specify a background color
  • Add more todo items

📂 Installation

Make sure git (and base-devel-equivalents) is installed

Additionally, make sure PNPM is installed.

As with any software, make sure you trust the source before running any commands.

😎 Posix Users (Linux, MacOS, etc)

# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:Exponential-Workload/imgtool.git ~/imgtool;
# Enter the repository
cd ~/imgtool;
# Run install script

🪟 Windows Users

git clone imgtool;
cd imgtool;
pnpm i;
pnpm build;

🏃 Usage

🔨 Basic Usage

😎 Posix Users

# in development, use 'pnpm dev' in the repo's directory instead.

🪟 Windows Users

cd %USERPROFILE%\imgtool;
pnpm start
@REM for development, use 'pnpm dev' instead

🔧 Config

🗔 Specifying a Resolution


--res 1920x1080

to your arguments.

⏲ Specifying a Timeout


--timeout 1000

to your arguments. This will make the CLI wait 1000ms before taking the screenshot, to ensure the background has loaded.

🧰 Using a custom template

Make a file similar to the template.html in this repository in the folder you run the CLI in, and it will use that.

📤 Output and Save Options

Saving to a Specific Path Add:

--output path/to/save/image.png This will save the generated image to the specified path.

Opening the Generated Image

To automatically open the generated image after it's created, use: --open

📜 License

Copyright (c) 2023 Nexus Networks.
Licensed under the MIT License.