- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Graph Creation
- Graph Representation
- Print All Paths
- Topological Sorting
- Cycle Detection
- GraphCreationUsing2DArray
- [Prim's algo](#Prim's algo)
- [Kosaraju's algo](#Kosaraju's algo)
- [Edge converter](#Edge converter)
- [getBridge Problem](#getBridge Problem)
- [Tarjan's algorithm](#Tarjan's algorithm)
- LinkedListImplementation
- BuiltInLinkedList
- ReverseALinkedList
- ReverseLLRecursive
- Q. Find and delete the nth node from the LL.
- Q. Linked list is palindrome or not?
- Q. Detect a cycle in a Linked List.
- Q. Remove a cycle in a Linked List.
- Building Binary Tree
- Preorder traversal
- Inorder traversal
- Postorder traversal
- Level order traversal
- Count Of Nodes
- Sum Of Nodes
- Height Of Tree
- Diameter Of Tree
- Maximum Sum Path
- Insert a Node in BST
- Inorder traversal in BST
- Search Node in BST
- Delete Node in BST
- Inorder Successor
- HashSet(notes are in the form of code+dsa notes)
- HashMap(notes are in code + dsa notes)
- NormalSet
- [HashMap implementation](#HashMap implementation)
- [Q.Majority Elements](#Majority Elements)
- [Q.Union of two arrays](#Union of two arrays)
- [Q.Intersection Of TwoArr](#Intersection Of TwoArr)
- Q.Find Itinerary(path) from Tickets
- Q.SubArray Sum equal to k
- Q.