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ClickHouse Tests in TestFlows

This directory contains integration tests written using TestFlows that involves several ClickHouse instances, custom configs, ZooKeeper, etc.

Table of Contents

To install all necessary Python modules (including TestFlows and Docker Compose), execute the following command:

pip3 install -r pip_requirements.txt

Specify suite variable to select running only specific suites

suite window_functions Window Functions suite
suite aes_encryption AES Encryption Functions suite
suite clickhouse_keeper ClickHouse Keeper suite
suite datetime64_extended_range Extended DateTime64 suite
suite disk_level_encryption Disk Level Encryption
suite example Example suite
suite extended_precision_data_types Extended Precision Data Types suite
suite kafka Kafka suite
suite kerberos Kerberos suite
suite ldap LDAP suite
suite lightweight_delete Lightweight Delete suite
suite map_type Map Data Type suite
suite parquet Parquet Data Type suite
suite parquet_minio Parquet MinIO suite
suite parquet_s3 Parquet AWS S3 suite
suite part_moves_between_shards Part Moves Between Shards suite
suite s3 All S3 (MinIO, AWS, GCS) suites
suite s3_aws S3 AWS suite
suite s3_gcs S3 GCS suite
suite ssl_server SSL Server suite
suite tiered_storage All Tiered Storage (Local Disk, MinIO, AWS, GCS) suites
suite tiered_storage_aws Tiered Storage AWS suite
suite tiered_storage_gcs Tiered Storage GCS suite
suite window_functions Window Functions suite
suite benchmark S3 Benchmak suite

When running the CI/CD pipeline, provide the following variables:
Example values using altinity/clickhouse-server:

Variable package docker://altinity/clickhouse-server
Variable version

When running the CI/CD pipeline, provide the following variables:

Variable package deb://
Variable version The version to use for tests. For example,

Get the link to the deb package: PR -> ClickHouse build check (actions) -> Details -> copy link to a deb package.
Break down the link into CI/CD variables:
Example values using

Variable package deb:// NOTE: 'deb' instead of 'https' and no '/' on the end.
Variable version
Variable package_version_postfix By default all (supports older versions), specify amd64 for newer PRs where all packages have amd64 postfix.

To run the CI/CD pipline you can use ./ with following options

-w --wait             Wait for pipeline to finish.
--package             Specify docker:// or deb:// package.
--version             Specify clickhouse version.
--package-postfix     Postfix of the clickhouse-server and clickhouse-client deb package, default: 'amd64'. Choices 'amd64', 'all'.
--suite               Select test suite to run, default: 'all'. Choices "all", "aes_encryption", "aggregate_functions", "atomic_insert", "base_58", "clickhouse_keeper", "datetime64_extended_range", "disk_level_encryption", "dns", "example", "extended_precision_data_types", "kafka", "kerberos", "ldap", "lightweight_delete", "map_type", "parquet", "part_moves_between_shards", "rbac", "s3", "s3_aws", "s3_gcs", "selects", "ssl_server", "tiered_storage", "tiered_storage_aws", "tiered_storage_gcs", "window_functions", "benchmark".
--output              Tests stdout output style, default: 'classic'. Choices 'nice', 'classic', 'short', etc.
--parallel            Enable or disable running tests in parallel, default: 'on'. Choices 'on', 'off'.
--token               Personal access token or private token with api access to the gitlab project, default: 'GITLAB_TOKEN' environment variable.
--options             Extra options that will be added to test run command.
--arch                Architecture to run the tests on, default: 'amd64'. Choices 'amd64', 'arm64'.
--branch              Specify which branch to run the tests on, default: 'main'.
--artifacts           Specify whether to upload artifacts internally or publically, default: 'internal'. Choices 'internal', 'public'. Bucket for internal upload: 'altinity-internal-test-reports'. Bucket for public upload 'altinity-test-reports'.
--debug               Enable script running in debug mode, default: 'False'. Choices 'True', 'False'.

You can run tests locally by passing --local and --clickhouse-binary-path to the top level or cd into any sub-folders to run suite specific

  • --local specifies that regression will be run locally
  • --clickhouse-binary-path specifies the path to the ClickHouse binary on the host machine that will be used during the regression run. You can also use docker image that should have docker:// prefix. For example, --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server:

Note: you can pass -h or --help argument to the to see a help message.

python3 -h

Note: make sure that the ClickHouse binary has correct permissions. If you are using /usr/bin/clickhouse its owner and group is set to root:root by default and it needs to be changed to clickhouse:clickhouse. You can change the owner and the group using the following command.

sudo chown clickhouse:clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse

Using the default ClickHouse installation and its server binary at /usr/bin/clickhouse, you can run regressions locally using the following command.

python3 --local --clickhouse-binary-path "/usr/bin/clickhouse"

You can control verbosity of the output by specifying the output format with -o or --output option. See --help for more details.

You can run only the selected tests by passing --only option to the

For example,

./ --local --clickhouse-binary-path /usr/bin/clickhouse --only "/clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/*"

will execute all rbac/syntax/grant privilege tests.

If you want to run only a single test such as the /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges/privilege='KILL QUERY', on=('*.*',), allow_introspection=False you can do it as follows

./ --local --clickhouse-binary-path /usr/bin/clickhouse --only "/clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges/privilege='KILL QUERY', on=('[*].[*]',), allow_introspection=False/*"

Note that you need to surround special characters such as * with square brackets, for example [*].

Note that you need to end the filtering pattern with /* to run all the steps inside the test.

For more information, please see Filtering section in the TestFlows Handbook.

If TestFlows check does not pass you should look at the end of the test_run.txt.out.log to find the list of failing tests. For example,

Start tests
➤ Dec 02,2020 22:22:24 /clickhouse

✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges/privilege='SELECT', on=('db0.table0', 'db0.*', '*.*', 'tb0', '*'), allow_column=True, allow_introspection=False
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse

In this case the failing test is

/clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges/privilege='SELECT', on=('db0.table0', 'db0.*', '*.*', 'tb0', '*'), allow_column=True, allow_introspection=False

while the others

✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac/syntax
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse/rbac
✘ [ Fail ] /clickhouse

failed because the first fail gets "bubble-up" the test execution tree all the way to the top level test which is the /clickhouse.

You need to download the test.log that contains all raw messages.

Once you know the name of the failing test and you have the test.log that contains all the raw messages for all the tests, you can use tfs show test messages command.

You get the tfs command by installing TestFlows.

For example,

cat test.log | tfs show test messages "/clickhouse/rbac/syntax/grant privilege/grant privileges/privilege='SELECT', on=\('db0.table0', 'db0.\*', '\*.\*', 'tb0', '\*'\), allow_column=True, allow_introspection=False"

Note: that characters that are treated as special in extended regular expressions need to be escaped. In this case we have to escape the *, (, and the ) characters in the test name.

You can use the test.log with many of the commands provided by the tfs utility.

See tfs --help for more information.

For example, you can get a list of failing tests from the test.log using the tfs show fails command as follows

$ cat test.log | tfs show fails

or get the results using the tfs show results command as follows

$ cat test.log | tfs show results

or you can transform the log to see only the new fails using the tfs transform fail --new command as follows

$ cat test.log | tfs transform fails --new

Minio is the default test suite, but can be specificed using --storage minio.


Explicit storage declaration:

$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --storage minio

Utilizing default values:

$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server:

You can also specify the minio uri (--minio-uri), root user (--minio-root-user), and root password (--minio-root-password). However, this is not necessary.

Aws requires a region(--aws-s3-region) and a bucket(--aws-s3-bucket) (the bucket must end with /), in addition to the key id and secret access key. Aws can be specified using --storage aws_s3.

Env variables:

$ export S3_AMAZON_BUCKET=



$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --aws_s3_key_id [masked] --aws_s3_access_key [masked] --aws-s3-bucket [masked] --aws-s3-region [masked] --storage aws_s3


$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --storage aws_s3

GCS requires a gcs uri (--gcs-uri) (the uri must end with /), gcs key id (--gcs-key-id), and gcs key secret(--gcs-key-secret), in addition to the s3 key id and secret access key. GCS can be specified using --storage gcs.

Env variables:

$ export GCS_URI=
$ export GCS_KEY_ID=
$ export GCS_KEY_SECRET=



$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --gcs-uri [masked] --gcs-key-id [masked] --gcs-key-secret [masked] --storage gcs


$ s3/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --storage gcs

Normal tiered storage suite does not require any variables to be provided.

From the regression directory, it can be run with the following command:

$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server:

Minio tiered storage suite only requires that --with-minio is specified.

It can be run with the following command:

$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --with-minio

AWS S3 tiered storage requires an access key (--aws-s3-access-key), a key id (--aws-s3-key-id), and a uri (--aws-s3-uri). The uri must end with /. These can be passed as environment variables. AWS S3 must be specified using --with-s3amazon.

Env variables:

$ export S3_AMAZON_URI=



$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --aws-s3-key-id [masked] --aws-s3-access-key [masked] --aws-s3-uri [masked] --with-s3amazon


$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --with-s3amazon

GCS tiered storage requires a gcs uri (--gcs-uri) (the uri must end with /), gcs key id (--gcs-key-id), and gcs key secret(--gcs-key-secret). GCS can be specified using --with-s3gcs.

Env variables:

$ export GCS_URI=
$ export GCS_KEY_ID=
$ export GCS_KEY_SECRET=



$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --gcs-uri [masked] --gcs-key-id [masked] --gcs-key-secret [masked] --with-s3gcs


$ tiered_storage/ --local --clickhouse-binary-path docker://clickhouse/clickhouse-server: --with-s3gcs

You can explicitly specify PAUSE_BEFORE, PAUSE_AFTER, PAUSE_ON_PASS and PAUSE_ON_FAIL flags inside your test program. For example,

with Test("my test"):
    with Step("my step 1", flags=PAUSE_BEFORE):
        note("my step 1")
    with Step("my step 2", flags=PAUSE_AFTER):
        note("my step 2")

    with Step("my step 2", flags=PAUSE_ON_PASS):
        note("my step 2")
    with Step("my step 2", flags=PAUSE_ON_FAIL):
        note("my step 2")

For decorated tests Flags decorator can be used to set these flags.

@Flags(PAUSE_BEFORE|PAUSE_AFTER) # pause before and after this test
def my_scenario(self):

This can be used for getting access to Docker Compose environment with condition equal to cluster condition on current step by executing standard Docker Compose commands ("ps", "exec" etc.) from "*_env" folder. It allows to make some manual checks/changes on dockers and continue test with new manually set conditions.

To run GitHub actions, navigate to Actions, select Run CI/CD regression tests. Inside Run workflow dropdown menu specify the package, version, suite and upload destination of artifacts.

Package: docker:// or https:// package specifier to use for tests. For example:

Version: Version of clickhouse to use for tests. The test verifies that node version matches specified version. When package option uses docker:// specifier then the version is the image tag. For example:

  • latest

Suite: Which suite to run. Default runs all suites.

Artifacts: Specify whether to upload to internal or public s3 bucket. 'altinity-internal-test-reports' for internal upload, 'altinity-test-reports' for public.


Altinity ClickHouse Regression Tests







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  • Python 85.9%
  • Shell 12.3%
  • C++ 0.8%
  • Jinja 0.5%
  • HTML 0.4%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%