TL;DR: The bumpy ride of Vulkan Learning.
The classic tutorial, named Vulkan Tutorial, is a semi-great place to code in Vulkan, but it comes with a horrific code structure: everything in one file.
Hence, the repo tries to mitigate this:
- Vulkan objects will be encapsulated in custom wrappers, and usually they have implicit conversion toward the raw Vulkan object. The wrappers follow RAII.
- Long methods are chopped into smaller chunks
- Better interdependencies between objects
We also use Vulkan Guide as a supplementary reference.
A homebrew OOP version (more specifically, custom RAII wrappers from scratch), is potentially not optimal compared to the official RAII but should allow us to understand better the inner workings of the API.
Going through the tutorial(s)
Shader reflection
ECS (flecs)
.obj file handling
VMA for buffers and images
Render graph <= currently here, since this is the basis for all future rendering features
Scene Hierarchy
File watch and shader hot-reload
Physics engine
glTF file handling
- Deferred shading
- Basic PBR (Cook-Torrance)
<- Blender's Eevee engine This Vulkan engine ->
- Image based rendering
- Subsurface Scattering
- Cascade Shadow Mapping
- Bloom
The primary IDE used during the development is CLion, but Visual Studio 2022 should work as well. We have only tested building with MSVC.
We use CMake as our build system.
The repo has changed to use vcpkg for package management. Follow Tutorial: Install and use packages with CMake to configure vcpkg on your system.
Here are some guides and explanations on consolidated architectural choices, serve as reminders.
(Some architectural choices are under revision, and are not yet presented).
- Style Guide : How are classes, enums, functions named, as well as common macro utilities.
- Descriptor Management : The engine's policy for descriptor allocation.
Here, we discuss some less obvious concepts encountered during the learning process. These are usually quite lengthy and have been moved to dedicated files for clarity.