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Mintbase Smart Contracts

Audited on April 2023


In order to make full use of this repo, you will need:

  • A rust installation with cargo, stable and nightly toolchains and the wasm32-unknown-unknown target to compile the smart contracts
  • wasm-opt to post-process smart contracts. This tool is provided by the binaryen port
  • NodeJS and NPM for testing

The script scripts/ should assist to get the right setup, and also creates some necessary folders.


  • scripts/ Assists in setting up the repo and makes sure prerequisites are met.
  • scripts/ Checks and builds all smart contracts
  • scripts/ Tests the built smart contracts



Located in mb-store, this is the Mintbase NFT contract. It holds all information regarding tokens, their metadata, ownership, and royalties.


Located in mb-factory, this allows deploying a Mintbase Store.

Legacy market

Located in mb-legacy-market, this smart contract uses NFT approvals to create listings and processes offers. You can create simple sale or rolling auction listings, but this market is restricted to stringified integers as token IDs. Due to a large number of listings, storage migrations are deemed as not feasible. The eventual goal is a replacement with the interop market for simple sales (see below), and a not-yet-written interop market for rolling auctions.

Interop market

Located in mb-interop-market, this smart contract uses NFT approvals to create listings and processes offers. You can only create simple sale listings, but this market does not make any assumptions about the token ID format. This market allows using an affiliate_id on offers, providing a business model and revenue-sharing between Mintbase and developers using the Mintbase infrastructure.


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