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IMPORTANT Migration to 4.0.0

phit edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 1 revision

IMPORTANT - Before upgrading to 4.0.0+ READ

This is a MAJOR update and it is highly suggested to make a full backup of all your data before upgrading. You've been warned!

If you are upgrading from pre 4.0.0, It is HIGHLY recommended to skip below and make sure 'claim-block-system' is set to 'AREA' in global config. You will also need to enable the classic migrator in order to fix bad Y boundaries. You can find this option in GP's global config labeled 'classic'. Simply set this to true and all claims will be fixed on startup.

If you are already on 4.0.0 and want to migrate from VOLUME to AREA system, set 'migration-area-rate' to same value you set during 4.0.0 upgrade.

If you want to reset all accrued claim block data for players, set 'reset-accrued-claim-blocks' to true. This will reset each player's accrued claim blocks to match the exact cost of all their claims owned. It will also reset all bonus claim blocks to 0 so take a backup of your config if you need to know what it was previously.

MIGRATION - Optional

If you absolutely want to use the VOLUME claimblock system then understand it requires a complete change of how claimblocks are handled by calculating height into claimblocks in order to balance creating a 3D claim with no parent in the wilderness. This is so if a player creates both a 10x10x10 claim and 10x10x256 claim they do not pay the same cost. Make sure to properly test before rolling out this change into production.

This new update adds support for 3D claiming by introducing the VOLUME system. The VOLUME system will alter how change blocks are counted in order to balance the 3D claiming system. The following will be changed if enabled :

  • Each block will cost 1 claim block.
  • Y will be factored into claim block cost.
  • 2D claims must be between bedrock to sky.
  • Any claim between bedrock and sky is 3D.
  • A 2D chunk (16x16x256) claim costs 65,536 blocks instead of 256 since Y is always counted.

There are 2 options for migrating to a new claim block system

  1. Migrating existing data In order to migrate your existing claimblock playerdata, edit GP's global config and under the playerdata category, set 'migration-volume-rate' to a value you want each claim block total to be multiplied with. The recommended default is 256, however you may set it to whatever you please. Setting the value to 0 will reset all claimblock accrual data. The migrator will only run once as it flags each data file it changes. If you need to run the migrator again, set 'reset-migrations' to true in global config. Attempting to run the migrator a second time without doing this will do nothing as each playerdata file is flagged that it has been migrated.

  2. Resetting accrued block data This is the easiest method as it simply resets each player's accrued claim blocks to match what they own. To use this method, set 'reset-accrued-claim-blocks' to true in GP's global config. After server starts up, every player's accrued claim blocks should be exactly what they need for the claims they own. Note: Using this method also resets bonus claim blocks to 0. Backup if this is needed.