A widget to render moving blobby objects.
Implemented this using Jelly
- Highly customizable Jelly rendering for Flutter.
- Multiple Jelly instances
- Overlap Jellies
- Tween shapes and change colors
To use this package, add jelly_anim
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
jelly_anim: any
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:jelly_anim/jelly_anim.dart';
JellyAnim(jellyCount, size: Size(400, 400), duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200))
jelly_anim is MIT-licensed.
We’d be really happy if you send us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding our work.