Hello! I'm Maelstromeous aka Matt Cavanagh. I'm a full stack engineer who's passion is to create projects and websites around video games I play, such as Satisfactory and Planetside 2.
- 🤓 Tech nerd
- 🕹️ Avid gamer
- 😻 Cat parent
- 🇬🇧 Tea Sipping Brit
PS2Alerts (GitHub) is the source for real time and aggregrated statistics around an in-game "metagame" event called Alerts within the game Planetside 2. The site has been operating for over 8 years, receieving various re-writes along the way.
Satisfactory Factories (GitHub) is a web based Factory Logistics designer / planner for the game Satisfactory. It enables users to keep track of what their factory is producing, how those products are then shipped to other factories, and it ensures the user has full analysis on how items are distributed, alerting the user of any errors.