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Sebastian Held edited this page Dec 11, 2018 · 6 revisions

Drift Flux Model: Hasan Kabir

Moose Application: MOSKITO - Multiphysics cOupled Simulator toolKIT for wellbOres (developed by Maziar Gholami Korzani)

Literature: 1. A. Hasan, C. Kabir and M. Sayarpour (2010): Simplified two-phase flow modeling in wellbores; Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 72, 42-49 2. A. Hasan and C. Kabir (2010): Modeling two-phase fluid and heat flows in geothermal wells; Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 71, 77-86

Physics: Determination of the flow pattern depending on v_m, rho_g, rho_l, surf_tension, well_diameter, well_inclination and friction. After flow pattern is known void fraction is calculated using the adjusted flow parameters v_d and C0.

Return: Void fraction vfrac, drift velocity v_d, flow_type_c0 C0, Flow pattern as int value Flow_pattern

Input: Surface tension of the liquid phase

Author of the module: Sebastian

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