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Small react helper to let users handle your fonts display


How to use it

Install the package

yarn add fontizer

Prepare your CSS file, by adding these base values to your CSS :root element

--base-font-size: 16px;
--base-font-weight: 300;

Then load Fontizer on your page, it can take 3 props:

  • The position one that will position it ( in the corners ).
  • A callback function that returns the new values in an array [16, 300]
  • A variables props, which take an object with {size: '--new-variable-name', weight: '--new-variable-name'}

Note that if you decide to go with custom variable names, you MUST provide both size & weight variables

import { Fontizer } from "fontizer";

  callback={(value) => console.log(`values changed ${value}`)}
  variables={{ size: "--foo-bar-size", weight: "--foo-bar-weight" }}


prop type value default description
position string 'bl' | 'br' | 'tl' | 'tr' bl corner coordinates to position your Fontizer button/panel
callback Function any javascript function null Pass a function using the callback returned value, happen on each updates
variables object {size: '--foo', weight: '--bar'} --base-font-size & --base-font-weight If needed, you can override the default variables name.

A sprinkle of CSS?

override the styles

.fontizer-wrapper {
.fontizer-button {
.fontizer-icon {
.fontizer-panel {