This project is a simple task list management system that allows users to add, remove, view, and complete tasks. It is implemented in Java and provides a basic command-line interface for managing daily tasks.
- Add tasks with descriptions.
- Remove tasks by their index.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- List all tasks with their completion status.
- User-friendly interaction with easy-to-follow prompts.
- Java 8 or higher
Clone the repository:
git clone
Compile and run: Inside the project directory, compile and run the code with the following commands:
cd task-list-system javac java TaskList
Interact with the system:
The system will display a menu where you can choose one of the following options:
- Add a new task.
- Remove an existing task by its index.
- List all tasks (both completed and pending).
- Mark a task as completed by its index.
- Exit the system.
--- Task List ---
1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. List tasks
4. Complete task
5. Exit
Choose an option:
Enter task description:
Finish Java project
Task added: Finish Java project
--- Task List ---
1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. List tasks
4. Complete task
5. Exit
Choose an option:
0 - [ ] Finish Java project
--- Task List ---
1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. List tasks
4. Complete task
5. Exit
Choose an option:
Enter the index of the task to complete:
Task Finish Java project completed!
- Author: Luiz Stormorwski dos Santos
- GitHub: LuizStSantos.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.