[Flutter Plugin] Provides a tool to get the microphone input as PCM Stream (Stream<List>)
As Flutter still lacks some functionality, this plugin aims to provide the possibility to easily get an audio stream from the microphone, using a simple java implementation [=> Android only, iOS Support planned in the future].
Make sure you have microphone recording permissions enabled for your project. To do so, add this line to the AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
The plugin provides one method:
Stream<List<int>> microphone({options})
Listening to this stream starts the audio recorder while cancelling the subscription stops the stream.
// Init a new Stream
Stream<List<int>> stream = microphone(sampleRate: 44100);
// Start listening to the stream
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listener = stream.listen((samples) => print(samples));
// Cancel the subscription
About Flutter Plugins: https://flutter.io/developing-packages/
Flutter Documentation: https://flutter.io/docs