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LangStream Helm Charts Repository


Version: 0.6.3 Type: application AppVersion: 0.6.2


Key Type Default Description
apiGateway.affinity object {} Affinity settings object {} Application configuration. It must be in Spring format. e.g.: debug
apiGateway.fullnameOverride string "" Fullname override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
apiGateway.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the image
apiGateway.image.repository string "" Repository for the image
apiGateway.image.tag string "" Tag for the image. If set it overrides images.tag
apiGateway.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
apiGateway.liveness object {"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5} Liveness probe settings
apiGateway.nameOverride string "" Name override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
apiGateway.nodeSelector object {} Node selector settings
apiGateway.podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
apiGateway.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context
apiGateway.readiness object {"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":5,"timeoutSeconds":5} Readiness probe settings
apiGateway.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas
apiGateway.resources object {"requests":{"cpu":0.25,"memory":"256Mi"}} Resources for the pod
apiGateway.securityContext object {} Security context
apiGateway.service.port int 8091 Port for the service. If changes, the control plane config must be updated accordingly
apiGateway.service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service. Set "LoadBalancer" to enable external access
apiGateway.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
apiGateway.serviceAccount.create bool true Whether to create a service account or not string "" Name for the service account. If not set it's used the chart name. string "langstream-api-gateway" Role name. This is a namespaced-role. string "langstream-api-gateway-role-binding" Role binding name. This is a namespaced-role-binding.
apiGateway.tolerations list [] Toleration settings
client.affinity object {} Affinity settings object {"config":{}} Section related to the application
client.fullnameOverride string "" Fullname override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
client.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the image
client.image.repository string "" Repository for the image
client.image.tag string "" Tag for the image. If set it overrides images.tag
client.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
client.nameOverride string "" Name override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
client.nodeSelector object {} Node selector settings
client.podAnnotations object {} Service account settings
client.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context
client.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas
client.resources object {"requests":{"cpu":0.25,"memory":"256Mi"}} Resources for the pod
client.securityContext object {} Security context
client.tolerations list [] Toleration settings
codeStorage.configuration object {} Configuration for the storage type.
codeStorage.type string "none" Storage type implementation for code storage. "s3" or "azure-blob-storage" supported.
controlPlane.affinity object {} Affinity settings object {"config":{}} Section related to the application object {} Application configuration. It must be in Spring format. e.g.: debug
controlPlane.fullnameOverride string "" Fullname override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
controlPlane.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the image
controlPlane.image.repository string "" Repository for the image
controlPlane.image.tag string "" Tag for the image. If set it overrides images.tag
controlPlane.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
controlPlane.liveness object {"initialDelaySeconds":20,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5} Liveness probe settings
controlPlane.nameOverride string "" Name override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
controlPlane.nodeSelector object {} Node selector
controlPlane.podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
controlPlane.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context
controlPlane.readiness object {"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":5,"timeoutSeconds":5} Readiness probe settings
controlPlane.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas
controlPlane.resources object {"requests":{"cpu":0.25,"memory":"256Mi"}} Resources for the pod
controlPlane.securityContext object {}
controlPlane.service.port int 8090 Port for the service. If changes, the control plane config must be updated accordingly
controlPlane.service.type string "ClusterIP"
controlPlane.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
controlPlane.serviceAccount.create bool true Whether to create a service account or not string "" Name for the service account. If not set it's used the chart name. string "langstream-control-plane" Name for the role. This is a namespaced-role. string "langstream-control-plane-role-binding" Name for the role binding. This is a namespaced-role.
controlPlane.tolerations list [] Toleration settings
deployer.affinity object {} Affinity settings object {"annotations":{},"nodeSelector":{},"tolerations":[]} Pod template for the agents. It gets merged with podTemplate float 0.5 CPU allocated for a single unut int 1 Default mem/cpu when not specified for a unit int 1 Default instance count when not specified for a unit int 0 Max allocatable units for a single tenant string "default" Default storage class to use for the stateful agents string "128MB" Default storage size to use for the stateful agents bool true bool true int 1 How many instance are created per single unit. An instance is a pod. int 10 int 30 int 5 int 8 Max allocatable cpu/mem units for a single agent int 8 Max allocatable instances for a single agent int 512 Memory allocated for a single unit int 10 int 30 int 5 object {} Storage class mapping between the disk 'type' and the Kubernetes storage class object {"annotations":{},"nodeSelector":{},"tolerations":[]} Pod template for the job that deploys the application. It gets merged with podTemplate object {} Configuration for the "kubernetes" cluster runtime object {"endpoint":"","type":"none"} DEPRECATED object {"annotations":{},"nodeSelector":{},"tolerations":[]} Pod template for the job that deploys the application and the agents
deployer.fullnameOverride string "" Fullname override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
deployer.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the image
deployer.image.repository string "" Repository for the image
deployer.image.tag string "" Tag for the image. If set it overrides images.tag
deployer.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
deployer.liveness object {"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":30,"timeoutSeconds":5} Liveness probe settings
deployer.nameOverride string "" Name override for the component. By default it's used the chart name
deployer.nodeSelector object {} Node selector settings
deployer.podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations
deployer.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context
deployer.readiness object {"initialDelaySeconds":5,"periodSeconds":5,"timeoutSeconds":5} Readiness probe settings
deployer.replicaCount int 1 Number of replicas
deployer.resources object {"requests":{"cpu":0.25,"memory":"256Mi"}} Pod resources settings
deployer.securityContext object {} Security context
deployer.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the service account
deployer.serviceAccount.create bool true Whether to create a service account or not string "" Name for the service account. If not set it's used the chart name. string "langstream-deployer" Role name. This is a namespaced-role. string "langstream-deployer-role-binding" Role binding name. This is a namespaced-role-binding.
deployer.tolerations list [] Toleration settings
globalStorage.configuration object {} Configuration for the storage type.
globalStorage.type string "kubernetes" Storage type implementation for global storage. (tenants metadata)
grafanaDashboards.enabled bool false Wheter to create the grafana dashboards or not. They're created as configmap and loaded by the grafana deployment (if present)
grafanaDashboards.namespaceOverride string "" Namespace of the grafana deployment, if different from the LangStream's one
images.tag string "" Tag for all the images
runtime.image string "" Image to use for the runtime
runtime.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the runtime image
runtime.imageTag string "" Tag for the runtime image. If set it overrides images.tag.
tenants.defaultTenant.create bool true Wheter to create the default tenant or not string "default" Name for the default tenant
tenants.namespacePrefix string "langstream-" Tenant's namespace prefix. Each tenant will have a namespace with this prefix and the tenant name as suffix. e.g.: langstream-default
tenants.storageType string "kubernetes" Storage type implementation for tenants.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.13.1

Import grafana dashboard

Set the values grafanaDashboards.enabled: true and grafanaDashboards.namespaceOverride: <grafana-namespace>.

Add a new dashboard provider to the Grafana configuration

            apiVersion: 1
            - name: langstream
              orgId: 1
              folder: ''
              type: file
              disableDeletion: false
              editable: true
                path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/langstream
        langstream: "grafana-dashboard-langstream"