Nehsik is a CLI-based personal assistant chatbot that helps the user to keep track of their daily tasks
- Ensure that Java 11 is installed in your computer
- Download "Nehsik.jar" from this link
- Open the command terminal, and
to the directory where the "Nehsik.jar" file is present - Run the command
java -jar Nehsik.jar
. If the app has started successfully, you will see the welcome message:
Hala habibi! Shlonik? Shakhbarak?
I'm Nehsik, What can I do for you?
- You can start using Nehsik by typing the commands in the format as described in the Features section.
Tasks of the following types can be added:
- Todo: Contains task description only
- Deadline: Contains task description and the deadline time
- Event: Contains task description and the duration of the event
Displays all the tasks present in the task list, along with the task type and status.
Format: list
Deletes the required task based on the task number of the task to be deleted in the latest task list.
Format: delete TASK_NUM
Marks the required task as done based on the task number of the task to be marked as done in the latest task list.
Format: mark TASK_NUM
Marks the required task as not done based on the task number of the task to be marked as not done in the latest task list.
Format: unmark TASK_NUM
Displays the list of matching tasks which contain the keyword in their descriptions.
Format: find KEYWORD
Displays bye message and exits from the program.
Format: bye
The data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually. Your task list can be found in the file "nehsik.txt" created in the same directory where the "Nehsik.jar" file is present.