This is a Hardhat project that provides an interactive command-line interface (CLI) for deploying ERC‑20 tokens on the Monad testnet. The project allows users to specify token details, select a wallet for deployment, and automatically verify the contract.
- Interactive CLI: Input token name, symbol (both required), and total supply (default: 100M).
- Wallet Management: Choose or add a private key for deployment.
- Automatic Verification: The contract is automatically verified after deployment.
- Logging: Verified token details are saved in
If you encounter permission issues while installing dependencies, run the following command in comment promt:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
This allows scripts to execute temporarily without changing system-wide security settings.
Clone this repository or download the source code.
Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies:
npm install
Compile Contracts
npm run compile
Deploy & Verify a Token
To start the interactive CLI for deployment and automatic verification, run:
npm run deploy
-Enter Token Name (required)
-Enter Token Symbol (required)
-Enter Total Supply (defaults to 100M if left empty)
-Select a Wallet from stored private_keys.jsom format
Once confirmed, the token is deployed on the Monad testnet, automatically verified, and saved to verified_token.txt.
When finished, select the Exit option from the menu.
Private Keys: Private keys are stored locally in private_keys.json. Keep this file secure.
Verification: The contract is automatically verified after deployment. If verification fails, a manual command will be provided in the console.