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This package provides concrete implementations of Instrument for various financial assets:

  • Cash: which is based on a particular currency type, along with the minor unit.
  • Stock: which represents a general common stock.

It also provides a specialized Position for Cash that uses the currency's minor unit.

Cash{S,N} <: Instrument{S,currency(S))}

When a currency is thought of as a financial instrument (as opposed to a mere label), we choose to refer to it as "Cash" as it would appear in a balance sheet. This package implements the Cash instrument with parameter S being the 3-character ISO 4217 alpha label of the currency as a Symbol and an integer N representing the number of decimal places in the currency (typically 0, 2 or 3).

The @cash macro will set up short constants, matching the ISO 4217 names, so that you can use USD instead of Cash{:USD,2}.

For example:

julia> @cash JPY, USD, JOD

julia> JPY

julia> USD

julia> JOD

Although Cash is a singleton type, other financial instruments may contain various fields needed for cashflow projections, pricing, etc.

Stock{S,C} <: Instrument{S,C}

Stock is an implementation of a simple Instrument representing common stock issued by a company. It is implemented as a singleton type with a stock symbol and currency, e.g. Stock{:MSFT,:USD}. The currency can be omitted and it will default to USD, e.g. Stock(:MSFT).

Position{I<:Instrument, A}

A Position represents an amount of ownership of a financial instrument. For example, Microsoft stock

julia> @stock MSFT

is a financial instrument. A position could be 1,000 shares of MSFT and can be represented in one of two ways:

julia> MSFT(1000)


julia> 1000MSFT

Similarly, cash positions can be constructed as

julia> USD(1000)


julia> 1000USD

Note that since the minor unit of USD is 2, a USD cash position has 2 decimal places.

julia> typeof(1000USD)

Simple algebraic operations can be performed on positions of an Instrument:

julia> 10USD+20USD

julia> 1000MSFT+1000MSFT

julia> 5*20USD

julia> 100USD/5

julia> 100USD/5USD

julia> 100JPY/5JPY

julia> 100USD+100JPY
ERROR: Can't add Positions of different Instruments USD, JPY

Algebraic operations on positions require the positions to be of the same instrument.

For more information, see