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mapsforgesrv project was originally cloned from the MOBAC project

The MapsforgeSrv is a local webserver providing rendered Mapsforge map tiles.
The tiles are always rendered on the fly when requested.

Source of this tile server is located at branch tasks of mapsforgesrv project.
The JAR file mapsforgesrv-fatjar.jar can be downloaded from assets of <release>_for_java11_tasks at releases.
The JAR file is developed and built with Java development kit (JDK) version 11 and needs Java runtime environment (JRE) version 11 or higher to run.
The JAR file contains everything needed to run.

Some graphical user interfaces to configure interactively and run MapsforgeSrv can be found at
In particular, there are convenient interfaces between MapsforgeSrv and the QMapShack or MyTourbook map applications.

Command line parameters:

-c   [config]		Configuration folder (default: none)
-h   [help]  		Print the help text and exit 

Run mapsforge tile server:

java -jar <Path>/mapsforgesrv-fatjar.jar -c <Configuration folder>

Configuration requirements:

  • Configuration folder must contain a server configuration file and a subfolder tasks.
  • Subfolder tasks can contain several task configuration files with file extension .properties.
  • Each task configuration files configures a separate server task to be processed concurrently.
    While server is running, task files and thus tasks can be added, modified or deleted on the fly.
  • Case-sensitive server task name = task file name with file extension cut off.

Each configuration file can contain

  • Parameter assignment lines of type name=value
  • Comment lines starting with character #
  • Separator lines containing white spaces only

Server configuration file recognizes the following parameters:

Name Description
host IP address to listen on
Default: unset = listen on all interfaces
port TCP port to listen on
Default: 8486
cache-control Browser cache TTL
Default: 0
terminate Accept terminate request to shutdown server gracefully (from loopback addresses only!)
Default: false
Termination request URL:,
where port has to be replaced by value of parameter port
outofrange_tms URL pattern of an external TMS server used to redirect for out-of-range tiles
Default: unset = no redirection
Note 1: Server returns redirection URL and HTTP status code 302 to client. It is up to the client to handle redirection.
Note 2: When built-in world map is appended to map files, redirection never occurs.
requestlog-format Output format of logged server requests
Default: From %{client}a Get %U%q Status %s Size %O bytes Time %{ms}T ms
Empty value suppresses request logging!
For description of format syntax see here.

Task configuration files recognize the following parameters:

Name Description
mapfiles Comma-separated list of map file paths with file extension .map
Default: unset = built-in world map automatically used
worldmap Append built-in world map to list mapfiles of map files
Default: false
language Preferred language if supported by map file
(ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2 if an ISO 639-1 code doesn't exist)
Default: unset = primary available map language used
themefile Theme file path with file extension .xml
or one of built-in Mapsforge themes
used for rendering
Default: built-in Mapsforge theme OSMARENDER
style Theme file's style used for rendering
Default: unset = theme file's built-in default style
overlays Comma-separated list of style's overlays
to be enabled for rendering
Default: unset = style's overlays enabled by default
demfolder Folder path containing DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data files
with file extension .hgt required by hillshading
Alternatively, .hgt files can be embedded in .zip archives with same name,
e.g. archive containing one file N49E008.hgt
Default: unset = no hillshading
hillshading-algorithm One of hillshading algorithms used for hillshading
Hillshading algorithm name without parentheses and parameters is valid too!
Default: unset = no hillshading
Parameter defaults:
linearity = 0.1, scale = 0.666, angle = 50.,
asymmetryFactor = 0.5, minSlope = 0, maxSlope = 80,
readingThreadsCount = max(1,AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS/3),
computingThreadsCount = AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS,
preprocess = true
Parameter ranges:
0. ≤ linearity ≤ 4., 0. ≤ scale, 0. ≤ angle ≤ 90.,
0. ≤ asymmetryFactor ≤ 1., 0 ≤ minSlope < maxSlope ≤ 100,
readingThreadsCount ≥ 0, computingThreadsCount ≥ 0, preprocess = {false|true}
hillshading-magnitude Hillshading's gray value magnitude scaling, 0. ≤ value ≤ 4.
Value < 1. = brighter gray, value > 1. = darker gray
Default: 1. = unscaled gray values
hillshading-zoom-min Hillshading's minimum zoom level, 0 ≤ value ≤ 20
Default: unset = theme's built-in value or default value used
Note: The smaller the minimum zoom level, the longer the rendering may take
hillshading-zoom-max Hillshading's maximum zoom level, 0 ≤ value ≤ 20
Default: unset = theme's built-in value or default value used
contrast-stretch Contrast stretching of color value, 0 ≤ value ≤ 254 to increase
contrast by raising black level from 0 towards white level 255
Default: 0 = no contrast stretching
gamma-correction Gamma correction value > 0. for nonlinear luminance mapping
Default: 1. = no gamma correction
text-scale Text scale factor > 0. to scale size of labels on map
Default: 1. = no text size scaling
symbol-scale Symbol scale factor > 0. to scale size of symbols on map
Default: 1. = no symbol size scaling
line-scale Line scale factor > 0. to scale thickness of lines on map
Default: 1. = no line thickness scaling
user-scale Overall scale factor > 0. to scale all map elements
Scales value of text-scale and symbol-scale and line-scale
Default: 1. = no overall scaling
device-scale Device scale factor > 0.
Default: 1. = no device scaling

Hillshading requirements:

  • Must be enabled in theme file
  • Parameter demfolder must be set
  • Parameter hillshading-algorithm must be set
  • If parameter mapfiles is set, hillshading is applied to rendered map tiles,
    if parameter mapfiles is not set, alpha transparent overlay tiles are rendered

URLs to request tiles from tiles server:

URL item Description
scheme protocol either http or https
address tile server's IP address
port tcp port to request tiles
zoom zoom level of requested tile
x tile number in x direction (longitude)
y tile number in y direction (latitude)
format tile image format png, jpg, tif, bmp, ...
name name of server task

URL example for requesting tiles from a task configured by the task file:

After reading a task `.properties` file, server immediately initializes and starts task's own task handler. As long as there are no incoming client requests for that task, the task handler does nothing but waits.

Each task handler independently from other task handlers renders tiles using the parameter set from its .properties file. Tiles are requested by task's unique request URL. Thus, different tasks do never conflict.

Build and distribution instructions

  • can be found in the HOWTO


  • r_x created this tile server as part of mobac project
  • Thomas Th. @telemaxx: converted the mapserver server part in own git project with gradle nature.
  • @pingurus (fixing stylesheets error)
  • Bernd @bjmdev (multi map support)
  • @JFritzle (selectable theme style, overlays, renderer, contrast-stretch, hillshading, gamma correction,
    some rendering scale factors, hillshading overlay with alpha transparency)
  • @nono303 a lot of improvements/rework


  • MapsforgeSrv
    MapsforgeSrv is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
  • Built-in Mapsforge world map
    All map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
    OpenStreetMap is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
  • Included Marlin renderer engine
    Marlin is a fork from OpenJDK 8 and therefore licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.


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  • Java 100.0%