Hello! 👋 I'm Ishpreet Singh, a passionate Computer Science and Engineering Student from Ludhiana, Punjab. Welcome to my GitHub!
Programming Languages: Python, Flask, JS, CSS, HTML, C.
Frameworks & Libraries: React JS, Angular JS
Tools & Software: VS Code, Notepad++, PH2, Discord, Telegram, Instagram.
Operating System: Windows, Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, Kali Linux.
CURRENT PROJECTS: Working on an admin panel to add and delete data. Basically writing the logic of CRUD. COMPLETED PROJECTS:
FREEKAAMAAL : Trying to code the website https://freekaamaal.com all over again. https://ishpreetsingh8264.github.io/Project1/
FUNCORP : Trying to code the website https://funcorp.in all over again. https://ishpreetsingh8264.github.io/Project2/
🌱 I’m currently learning: MERN stack, Java.
🤝 I’m looking to collaborate on: HTML, CSS JS based projects
💬 Ask me about: Python, HTML CSS JS
📫 How to reach me: Email: [email protected] Discord: ishpreetsingh
Pronouns: Default he/him 💀💀 (idk why i even wrote this)
⚡Fun fact⚡: I skipped 2 grades 🤡. Call me nerd 🤓.
OLD ABOUT ME: Hi I am Ishpreet SIngh an AI student I am a newbie hope to learn from you guys