- Add package to project from Nuget.org. More instructions to get started with consuming nuget packages can be found on learn.microsoft.com
- All tools are under the
namespace. - That's it! Please open an issue if you have any problems with any of these steps or have other questions.
ReleaseDateAttribute - Gets an UTC DateTime of compile time. Allows us to determine the build date/time
Blog Post/Additional Information: How To Display the Build Date of a .NET Application
Assignment of GetReleaseDate() to a local variable
DateTime? date = IntelliTect.Multitool.ReleaseDateAttribute.GetReleaseDate(); // Returns a datetime in UTC to date
Displaying GetReleaseDate() on a cshtml page
// This example is in cshtml. @IntelliTect.Multitool.ReleaseDateAttribute.GetReleaseDate() // Returns a datetime in UTC
Converting and displaying GetReleaseDate() on a cshtml page
// convert this UTC DateTime object into one for my local timezone that is formatted in a “d MMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt” (ex: 8 Feb, 2023 11:36:31 AM). // The following code will format the date and convert it to my local time zone of Pacific Standard Time. Build: @if (IntelliTect.Multitool.ReleaseDateAttribute.GetReleaseDate() is DateTime date) { @TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(date, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time")).ToString("d MMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) } // Result is "Build: 8 Feb, 2023 11:36:31 AM"
RepositoryPaths - Provides consistent environment-independent normalized pathing within a git repository
Get file path from the root of a repository
// In this case, the GetDefaultRepoRoot() method can be used to get the root of a repository. string fullPathToTheFile = Path.Combine(IntelliTect.Multitool.RepositoryPaths.GetDefaultRepoRoot(), "TheFile.txt");
- ClaimsPrincipalExtensions: Extension methods to get a user ID and roles.
See the CONTRIBUTING.md file here.
If you have any problems, please feel free to check for existing issues or open an new issue.