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Interpreter and compiler for the ISA specification language "Architecture Specification Language" (ASL)


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ASL Interpreter

OpenSSF Scorecard OpenSSF Best Practices License


Architecture Specification Language (ASL) is an executable language for writing clear, precise specifications of Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs).

The ASL interpreter (ASLi) is an implementation of ASL that can execute ASL specifications either in an interpreter or by compiling via C code. We include a small demonstration of how to use ASLi to build simulators for a toy architecture specification.

This tool is based on Arm's open source asl-interpreter release.


This is intended as a preview to enable research collaboration. Over time, we aim to turn ASLi into a more trustworthy and flexible tool that you can use to build your own tools around ASL specifications.

The ASL language has been undergoing a major revision and has not stabilized yet. This implementation roughly corresponds to the state of "ASL 1.0 alpha 1" although there are some missing features and known differences (see Issues) that we are working on.

The tool has a number of known bugs and we are discovering more as we improve our testing framework. Please report any bugs that you run into and be patient with us as we try to balance bugfixes against adding new features.

The tool is still in a state where we may make large changes to the tool and in how we use the tool so please tell us what changes you would like to see and contact us in advance if you are considering making major changes yourself.


The ASL interpreter project welcomes external contributions through pull requests to the main branch.

Please refer to the Contributing for additional information on the contribution acceptance guidelines.

We use signed commits, please remember to sign your commits before making a pull request. See instructions here for how to sign commits.

Please run the tests by running make test before creating a pull request.


We encourage feedback and suggestions via GitHub Issues as well as via GitHub Discussions.

Requirements and Building

On Ubuntu

To build and run the ASL interpreter, you will need to install OCaml. The following commands are sufficient to install requirements and to build ASLi on Ubuntu systems.

apt update
apt install -y libgmp-dev opam pkg-config
pip3 install filecheck lit
opam init --no-setup --disable-sandboxing --compiler=4.14.2
opam install . --deps-only --with-test --with-doc --yes
eval $(opam env)

git submodule init
git submodule update
make build

Some of the more advanced usage of ASLi depends on the LLVM C compiler "clang" version 16 or higher. If you don't already have this installed, it can be installed using the following commands.

# install clang-16
apt install -y lsb-release wget software-properties-common gnupg
chmod +x
./ 16

On MacOS using Homebrew

To run regression tests and/or use the C23 backend on Macs, you need to install clang-16. Using a more recent version of clang such as clang-19 will not work because it limits the use of bit-precise integers to 128 bits.

brew install llvm@16
brew install cmake
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@16/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
sudo bash -c "sh <(curl -fsSL"
opam update
opam init
eval $(opam env --switch=default)
pip3 install filecheck lit
opam init --no-setup --disable-sandboxing --compiler=4.14.20
opam install . --deps-only --with-test --with-doc --yes
eval $(opam env)
git submodule init
git submodule update
make build

License and contribution

The software is provided under the BSD-3-Clause licence. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same licence.

This software includes code from one other open source projects

  • The CIL project defines a useful visitor class for traversing C ASTs. The file is a modified copy of this class that generalizes the type to work with an arbitrary AST.

    CIL is distributed under a BSD-3-Clause licence.

Building and development

Cloning the repository

Since the repository contains submodules, be sure to recursively clone it:

    git clone --recursive

Directory structure

This interpreter consists of a single directory organized as follows

  • Metadata, documentation, etc:
    • LICENCE - Software licence
    • - This file
    • - Changelog
    • - How to contribute to this project
    • - How to report security concerns
    • Makefile - Build system file
  • Source code consisting of
    • Lexer
      • libASL/lexer.mll - ASL lexer (ocamllex file)
      • libASL/ - indentation-based parsing support
    • Grammar and Parser
      • libASL/ - code to traverse abstract syntax tree
      • libASL/ - code to transform abstract syntax tree
    • Typechecker
      • libASL/ - typechecker
    • Interpreter
      • libASL/ - implementation of ASL builtin types and operations
      • libASL/ - interpreter support code
      • libASL/ - evaluator for ASL language
    • ASL standard library
      • libASL/prelude.asl - builtin types and functions
    • Code generation
      • libASL/xform_*.ml - transformations on the AST
      • libASL/backend_*.ml - code generation backends
      • libASL/runtime*.ml - runtime-specific code generation
      • runtime - runtime library for generated C
    • Programs
      • bin/ - interactive ASL tool
      • bin/ - C code generation tool
      • bin/ - test program that converts ASL code to list of tokens
    • Misc
      • libASL/ - utility code
  • Code copied from other open source projects
    • libASL/

Editor plugins

For VIM: You can copy editors/asl.vim to ~/.vim/syntax/asl.vim and use :set syntax=asl to enable syntax highlighting of ASL code. And you can add the line au BufRead,BufNewFile *.asl set filetype=asl to ~/.vimrc to automatically use this for all asl files.

Using ASL lexer

This displays a list of tokens in an ASL file.

    $ dune exec bin/testlexer.exe prelude.asl

Using ASL interpreter

The ASL interpreter reads ASL files specified on the command line and provides an interactive environment for executing ASL statements and expressions.

    $ asli
                _____  _       _
        /\     / ____|| |     (_)   ASL interpreter
       /  \   | (___  | |      _    Copyright Arm Limited (c) 2017-2019
      / /\ \   \___ \ | |     | |   Copyright (C) 2022-2025 Intel Corporation
     / ____ \  ____) || |____ | |
    /_/    \_\|_____/ |______||_|   ASLi 1.0.0

    Type :? for help
    ASLi> 1+1
    ASLi> ZeroExtend('11', 32)
    ASLi> let x : bits(32) = ZeroExtend('11', 32);
    ASLi> x
    ASLi> :quit

The ASL interpreter needs prelude.asl which is part of this repository. You either run the ASL interpreter from a directory containing prelude.asl or run the ASL interpreter from anywhere by setting ASL_PATH to point to a directory containing prelude.asl.

Using the ASL interpreter to model an ISA

To demonstrate how ASLi can be used to model an ISA, we wrote a trivial ISA with just two instructions: Increment and Halt.

The demo directory contains an ASL specification of this ISA and consists of the following files.

  • Makefile: Rules for building and running demos/tests.
  • demo.asl: An ASL specification of the demo architecture.
  • assembly.s: GNU as extension to support the demo instruction set.
  • test.S: A simple test program: increments two registers and halts.
  • test.prj: A file of ASLi commands for running a test interactively.
  • simulator.c: A C simulator harness for creating compiled simulators.
  • exports.json: A list of functions required by the C simulator harness.

The ASL specification defines the registers, memory, instruction fetch and instruction execute. It also implements a simulator API that enable ASLi to use the specification as a simulator.

Before running the simulator, we need to convert the test program test.S to an ELF binary using 'make test.elf'.

$ cd demo
$ make test.elf
clang-16 -std=c2x -E  test.S > test.s
as test.s -o test.o
ld test.o -o test.elf
nm test.elf
0000000000402000 T __bss_start
0000000000402000 T _edata
0000000000402000 T _end
0000000000401000 T _start

Using the demo specification as a simulator

To simulate execution of the test program using ASLi, load demo.asl into ASLi, load the ELF file test.elf and use :step to step through the program and the PrintState function (defined in demo.asl) to observe the processor state at each step.

$ ASL_PATH=.:.. ../_build/default/bin/asli.exe demo.asl
ASLi> :elf test.elf
Loading ELF file test.elf.
Entry point = 0x401000
ASLi> PrintState();
RUNNING PC=64'x401000 R=[ 64'x0 64'x0 64'x0 64'x0 ]
ASLi> :step
ASLi> PrintState();
RUNNING PC=64'x401001 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x0 ]
ASLi> :step
ASLi> PrintState();
RUNNING PC=64'x401002 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x1 ]
ASLi> :step
ASLi> PrintState();
HALTED PC=64'x401003 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x1 ]
ASLi> :quit

From the output of PrintState you can see that the program counter PC is incremented after every instruction, that the first instruction incremented R[1], that the second instruction incremented R[3] and that the third instruction halted the processor. This is just about the most exciting program we can run using such a limited instruction set.

ASLi can also accept commands from a "project file". For example, we could put all of the :step and PrintState(); commands in a file test.prj and run the same test like this.

ASL_PATH=.:.. ../_build/default/bin/asli.exe demo.asl --project=test.prj

We often use this with the LLVM project FileCheck tool in our integration tests.

Compiling the demo specification

For larger architecture specifications, it can be more effective to compile the specification instead. To compile the specification, we first build a project file containing a sequence of ASLi commands to compile the specification to C code. There are multiple options for doing this, the "fallback" backend is the most portable.

../_build/default/bin/ --basename=sim --backend=fallback > sim.prj

We then load the demo specification into ASLi and run the project file to generate C code. The configuration file exports.json is used to specify which ASL functions are called by hand-written C code.

ASL_PATH=.:.. ../_build/default/bin/asli.exe --project=sim.prj --configuration=exports.json demo.asl

The generated code is in C files that start with the basename sim such as sim_funs.c.

To compile and link the C code, we need to use some compiler and linker flags. We can use the script to get the right flags for each backend.

CFLAGS=`$ASL2C --backend=fallback --print-c-flags`
LDFLAGS=`$ASL2C --backend=fallback --print-ld-flags`

We can now compile and link the simulator.c harness. To keep things simple, this file #includes the C files generated from the specification. For some choices of backend, you will need to use clang version 16 or later.

cc $CFLAGS simulator.c -o simulator $LDFLAGS

And, finally, we can run the simulator. In this case, we run it for up to 20 steps or until the processor halts.

$ ./simulator test.elf --steps=20
Loading ELF file test.elf.
Entry point = 0x401000
Setting PC to 401000
RUNNING PC=64'x401000 R=[ 64'x0 64'x0 64'x0 64'x0 ]
RUNNING PC=64'x401001 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x0 ]
RUNNING PC=64'x401002 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x1 ]
HALTED PC=64'x401003 R=[ 64'x0 64'x1 64'x0 64'x1 ]

Making the demo ISA more realistic

We kept the demo ISA to the bare minimum to make it easier to understand what all the pieces do. To make it more realistic, we invite you to add features such as the following. (For inspiration, you might look at the design of classic 8-bit microprocessors or at RISC processors.)

  • A decrement instruction
  • Add and subtract instructions
  • Load and store instructions
  • Conditional branch instructions
  • Add a stack and instructions to call a function and return from a function.
  • Add an interrupt mechanism



Interpreter and compiler for the ISA specification language "Architecture Specification Language" (ASL)




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  • OCaml 80.0%
  • ASL 9.7%
  • C 5.0%
  • Python 2.5%
  • C++ 1.6%
  • Standard ML 0.5%
  • Other 0.7%