- Hyprland
- Hyprlock
- Waybar
- Kitty
- GTK (3.0, 4.0)
- Sway
- Wlogout
- Rofi
- Dunst
- Qt (qt5, qt6)
- Alacritty
- Starship
- Midnight-Discord
- Pywalfox
- Yazi
Copy the hyprland-colors.conf template and add it to the matugen config.
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/hypr/colors.conf'
post_hook = 'hyprctl reload'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
source = colors.conf
The theme will now be applied after you reload hyprland.
To reload hyprland you can either quit the current session and enter it again, or you can run hyprctl reload
which instantly reloads your config.
Hyprlock uses the same color format as Hyprland so we can use hyprland-colors.css
, if you didn't make the template above, Copy the hyprland-colors.conf template and add it to the matugen config.
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/hypr/colors.conf'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/hypr/hyprlock.conf
source = colors.conf
Configuration Example (hyprlock.conf
source = colors.conf
background {
path = $image # This variable contains the image you selected with matugen
label {
color = $primary
Copy the colors.css template and add it to the matugen config.
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/waybar/colors.css'
post_hook = 'pkill -SIGUSR2 waybar'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/waybar/style.css
@import "colors.css";
You can now use all the color variables inside the file.
* {
background-color: @primary_container;
Copy the kitty-colors.conf template and add it to the matugen config.
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/kitty/colors.conf'
Then, add this line to the bottom of your ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf
include colors.conf
The theme will now be applied after you reload kitty.
To autoreload kitty set allow_remote_control yes
in kitty.conf
Then append [templates.kitty]
post_hook = "kitty @ set-colors -a -c ~/.config/kitty/colors.conf"
### GTK
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/gtk-3.0/colors.css'
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/gtk-4.0/colors.css'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
and ~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
@import 'colors.css';
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/sway/colors.conf'
post_hook = 'swaymsg reload'
Then, add this line to your ~/.config/sway/config
include colors.conf
# ...
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/wlogout/colors.css'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/wlogout/style.css
@import "colors.css";
You can now use all the color variables inside the file.
* {
background-color: @primary_container;
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/rofi/colors.rasi'
Then, add this line to the top of your ~/.config/rofi/config.rasi
@import "colors.rasi"
You can now use all the color variables inside of the config.rasi
* {
background-color: @primary-container;
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/dunst/dunstrc'
Change 5
to 6
for qt6ct
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/qt5ct/colors/matugen.conf'
Then, add these two lines to the top of your ~/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/alacritty/colors.toml'
Then, add this line to your ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
import = ["colors.toml"]
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/starship.toml'
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.cache/wal/colors.json'
post_hook = 'pywalfox update'
Add the Pywalfox plugin to firefox / thunderbird.
Dependencies: pywalfox
- Arch (AUR):
yay -S python-pywalfox
- GNU/Linux, MacOS, Windows: Follow Instructions
That's it!
input_path = 'path/to/template'
output_path = '~/.config/yazi/theme.toml'