Projects for the subject on 3D vision of the Master in Computer Vision (UAB)
This repository contains the code related to the project on '3D Recovery of Urban Scenes' of the Module 4: 3D Vision of the Master in Computer Vision at UAB.
The aim of this master module is to perform 3D reconstruction of buildings from a set of images taken from different points of view (frontal images of the façades and aerial images). Specifically, we rectify the perspective distortion from a single view, estimate essential and fundamental matrix, calibrate a camera with a planar pattern, estimate the depth of points in the scene given two images, generate new views of the scene, and compute a 3D model either from a set of calibrated or uncalibrated cameras (SfM).
The final presentation explaining our approach can be found here.
The module consists of 5 different deliveries that build up to a complete pipeline. Refer to the specifics
for further explanations, requirements and the complete code of each week.