Estimate import plugin for Leantime.
Allows .csv files to be imported into the system and tickets to be created from the imported data, automating this process.
Download a release from and extract into your Leantime plugins folder, e.g.
Install and enable the plugin:
bin/leantime plugin:install leantime/estimateimport --no-interaction
bin/leantime plugin:enable leantime/estimateimport --no-interaction
Clone this repository into your Leantime plugins folder:
git clone app/Plugins/EstimateImport
Install and enable the plugin:
bin/leantime plugin:install leantime/estimateimport --no-interaction
bin/leantime plugin:enable leantime/estimateimport --no-interaction
Run composer install
docker run --interactive --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.3-fpm:latest composer install
docker run --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.3-fpm:latest composer normalize
docker run --interactive --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.3-fpm:latest composer coding-standards-check
docker run --interactive --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.3-fpm:latest composer coding-standards-apply
docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/md peterdavehello/markdownlint markdownlint --ignore vendor --ignore '**/*.md'
docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/md peterdavehello/markdownlint markdownlint --ignore vendor --ignore '**/*.md' --fix
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/app" --workdir /app peterdavehello/shellcheck shellcheck bin/create-release
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/app" --workdir /app peterdavehello/shellcheck shellcheck bin/deploy
docker run --rm --volume "$PWD:/app" --workdir /app peterdavehello/shellcheck shellcheck bin/local.create-release
# This analysis takes a bit more than the default allocated ram.
docker run --interactive --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app --env PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT=256M itkdev/php8.3-fpm:latest composer code-analysis
docker compose build && docker compose run --rm php bin/create-release dev-test
We use GitHub Actions to build releases (cf. .github/workflows/release.yaml
To test building a release, run
# Note: The image is HUGE!
docker run --rm --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app bin/create-release test
# Show release content
tar tvf leantime-plugin-*-test.tar.gz