Registration and control of vehicular access to UCN.
UCN - .NET Core - Android Studio - Laravel - Intellij
Registration and control of vehicular access to the premises of the Universidad Católica del Norte.
In full development.
- Java 1.8.0_251
- PHP 7.4.7
- C# 8
- .NET Core 3.1
- Laravel 7.18.0
- Bootstrap 4.5
- Intellij Idea 2020.1.2
- Android Studio 4.2 Cannary 3
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
Created by engineering students:
- Pablo Castillo - [email protected]
- Charlie Condorcet - [email protected]
- Jorge Pizarro - [email protected]
class Persona <<Entity>> {
- uid: int
- webId: int
- nombre: string
- rut: string
- sexo: Sexo
- cargo: string
- unidad: string
- email: string
- telefono: string
- oficina: string
- direccionTrabajo: string
- direccionCasa: string
- comuna: string
enum Sexo {
Persona --> Sexo: use
class Program {
CreateHostBuilder(String[] args): IHostBuilder
class ContratosImpl{
Program --> ContratosImpl: use
class Vehiculo <<Entity>> {
- uid: int
- patente: string
- marca: string
- modelo: string
- anio: int
- observacion: string
- responsable: string
interface Contratos{
crearPersona(persona: Persona): Persona
crearVehiculo(vehiculo: Vehiculo): Vehiculo
obtenerPersona(rut: string): Persona
obtenerVehiculo(patente: string): Vehiculo
ingresarVehiculo(patente: string): Vehiculo
ContratosImpl <|.. Contratos: implement
ContratosImpl --> Vehiculo: use
ContratosImpl --> Persona: use
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the Apache License 2.0