Calculate forest BA values from spherical(panorama) images by manual tree selection.
Basal area is the area of a given section of land that is occupied by the cross-section of tree trunks and stems at the base
An Angle gauge is a tool used by foresters to determine which trees to measure when using a variable radius plot design in forest inventory. Using this tool a forester can quickly measure the trees that are in or out of the plot
To be more specific, the angle gauge does the thing like this:
If a tree exceed the given angle, it is counted as "in" tree, the Basal Area (BA) can be simply calculated by: BA = in tree num * BAF, where BAF is basal area factor determined by angle size.
If we have a panorama photo in forest like this:
it can be simplified by counting the tree pixel width to determine whether it is "in" or "out",
that is the reason why we develop this software.
- project management based on sqlite database.
- import single image and all images in one folder (and its child folders) whose name contain given keywords
- image photo brightness equalization to show more details in overexposed and underexposed regions
- image zoom in and out to get more details
- tree management
- add trees
- edit trees
- delete trees
- export result excel files
: create a new project (Ctrl
: open a former project (Ctrl
: save changes to current project (Ctrl
: export results to a excel file
Add img
: add spherical image to this projectYes
: select folder first, then type keywords in image name need to import.*
or leaving blank is importing all images (default)- keywords need split by
or by space -
before a keyword (e.g. -X) mean ignore images contain 'X'
: select a single spherical image to import
Del img
: remove the selected image from this project Warning: this operation will also delete all tree records in this image as well.left-click
on image name: show this image and its trees informationright-click
on image name: change default BAF value of this image (default is 2)mouse-wheel-click
on image name: change all images' default BAF values at once.
This software has two different tree marking modes (Edge Marking and Target Count):
Two different mode can be switched by clicking the Tree Management Panel:
Add trees
: zoom images to proper size, the software title will tell you current zoom ratio, releasectrl
to finish zoom in) -
switching to adding tree mode (cursor will change to +) -
to display/hide a minimum tree reference bar (baf=1.0) hover mouse to determine current tree should add or not
---Edge Marking Mode---
to add the first point of tree boundary -
to another boundary,left-click
for another boundary point- if the line between two points color is red, currently is out tree
- if line color is blue, it is a in tree
- default, the line is locked to be horizontal
- press
to unlock and create lines for leaned trees
---Target Counting Mode---
to mark those tree bigger than reference octagon -
Edit trees
---Edge Mode---
the tree record, the image will center this tree line
drag the boundary point to change position (hold
for leaned tree)---Target Mode---
Click and Drag Directly
Delete trees
- select the tree record and press
- a delete confirmation dialog will appear
- select the tree record and press
Beta1.0: Finish all functions mentioned above