Hotcakes Commerce is the most well-rounded and -trusted e-commerce solution for DNN CMS. With Hotcakes Commerce, anyone on your team can run an online store!
Release Notes
The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Code Contributors below.
Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!
Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider contributing any amount.
THANK YOU to the following rock stars!
- Adam Bernstein, PracticeWise
- Jeremy Farrance, Accuraty
- @JohnRamminger
- (two private sponsors)
THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!
- Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures
- Ariel Blanco, Upendo Ventures
- Alejandro Roman, Upendo Ventures
- Liban Silva, Upendo Ventures
THANK YOU to the following partners for participating in this release!
Release Notes
Release Note Prefixes
The following prefixes are defined as:
- SI: Support Inquiry - This issue was reported by a support customer or GitHub Sponsor, and as such, was prioritized above all other tasks.
- CI: Community Inquiry - This issue was reported by a community member in the Hotcakes Commerce community forums
New Features/Enhancements
- Added Bangladesh to Available Countries - Previously, Bangladesh was missing from the available countries. (Pull #534), Thanks @alejoroman0605!
Bug Fixes
- Issue #300 - SI: HC Admin Reports Date Pickers Not Showing Correct Format When Using the
Locale. Thanks, @alejoroman0605! - Issue #187 - CI: Data Inconsistency When Deleting a Product Type Property Value. Thanks, @alejoroman0605!
- Issue #191 - File download limit doesn't work. Thanks, @libanlsilva!
- Issue #450 - Text Input Choice Field Causes JSON Parse Error. Thanks, @libanlsilva!
- Issue #103 - Order Manager Billing Address Usability Issue. Thanks, ArielBlanco1990!
Maintenance Updates
- Issue #537 - SI: Update
. Thanks, @libanlsilva! - Issue #542 - Release prep for v03.09.02. Thanks, @WillStrohl!