This simple Dash based app is a part of an challenge requested by data unique branch.
This get started refers to a Linux environment. Before Continue, make sure you have your environment correctly setted up with all dependencies installed. This project depends on:
- Python installation
- Click here to see a tutorial
- Last version of Anaconda
- A Postgre database running
We'll need to install the python package manager to install some python dependencies in which this project depends on. After installing it , run these commands to install python dependencies:
pip install dash
pip install pandas
pip install sqlalchemy
To create our database schema, we'll need some environment variables to have been setted up, it wich are:
Set those variables to be your user, password, and port in which your database is currently running. After exported it up, just run:
python database_config/
From the root of this project to create schema and seeding it database
In the root of the project, just run:
and access the local address provided in the terminal to see project running.
Send me an email at [email protected]