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Continuous Integration for Verification of Simulink® Models

This project is used in the explanation of the Technical Article 'Continuous Integration for Verification of Simulink® Models' to describe a simple end-to-end example showing Model Based Design integration into Jenkins® and GitLab® where Jenkins is used as CI system and GitLab as version control system. Upon following the steps in the Technical Article, one can setup a running Continuous Integration pipeline performing verify, build, and test stages to generate corresponding artifacts.

Quick Start guide

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub® account.
  2. Configure MATLAB, GitLab and Jenkins, as outlined in the Technical Article.
  3. Create a new CI job using your forked repository.

Please refer the Technical Article 'Continuous Integration for Verification of Simulink® Models' for detailed instructions on how to setup and run the continuous integration pipeline.

Folder Structure

├── Data                                           # Data required to run the models and test cases
│   ├── ACC_01_ISO_TargetDiscriminationTest.mat
│   ├── ACC_02_ISO_AutoRetargetTest.mat
│   ├── ACC_03_ISO_CurveTest.mat
│   ├── ACC_04_ISO_StopnGo.mat
│   ├── LFACC_01_DoubleCurve_DecelTarget.mat
│   ├── LFACC_02_DoubleCurve_AutoRetarget.mat
│   ├── LFACC_03_DoubleCurve_StopnGo.mat
│   ├── LFACC_04_Curve_CutInOut.mat
│   ├── LFACC_05_Curve_CutInOut_TooClose.mat
├── Models                                        # Simulink models used to model lane change logic
│   ├── LaneFollowingTestBenchExample.slx
│   ├── LFRefMdl.slx
├── Requirements                                  # Requirements for the lane change controller
│   ├── LaneFollowingTestRequirements.slreqx
├── resources                                     # Simulink project related files
├── Scripts                                       # Scripts used to setup models, tests, and visualizations
│   ├── createLaneFollowingController.m           # Helper script to design MPC Controller for lane following application
│   ├── createLaneSensorBuses.m                   # Defines Lane Sensor Buses
│   ├── getDiscreteModelForAdaptiveMPC.m          # Helper to get discrete state-space model for adaptive MPC
│   ├── helperLFSetUp.m                           # Initializes lane following example model
│   ├── helperSessionToScenario.m                 # Helper to convert scenario to drivingScenario object
│   ├── LaneFollowingExecControllerBuild.m        # Builds controller
│   ├── LaneFollowingExecModelAdvisor.m           # Performs Model Advisor analysis
│   ├── plotLFResults.m                           # Helper to plot results of lane following example
├── Tests                                         # Test cases we will execute as part of our CI pipeline
│   ├── LaneFollowingTestScenarios.mldatx         
│   ├── LaneFollowingTestScenarios.slmx           
├── SltestLaneFollowingExample.prj                # Can run this file in MATLAB® to setup the Simulink project

Products/Toolboxes Required


The license for Continuous Integration for Verification of Simulink Models is available in the License.txt file in this repository.

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